Resist Thy Soul

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I've always wanted to grow up to be a big scarry wolf just like my father. To have an entire pack follow me. I've always known it was my destiny to become the first female alfa. I fought for that title with everything I had. Although I wish I hadn't fought so hard or said the things I did.

I had everything that anyone could ever wish for, a loving family, amazing friends, and a pack that would die to protect us. Life was peaceful but, being the largest and the strongest pack, that was to be expected. My father was the most feared wolf to ever walk the lands. Shifters coward at the mention of his name.

I remember the events leading up to my fathers death as if it had only happened yesterday, they still plague my mind:

It was my sixteenth birthday, it's tradition for the new alfa to take control of the pack on their sixteenth birthday and of course I was the only child. My mother couldn't bear anymore children after a rogue attacked her.

She was lucky to have survived however the baby she was carrying, my little brother, wasn't nearly as lucky. The attack left her unable to have more children, much to their dismay.

As the only child I should have became the new alfa, no questions asked. However, a female alfa had never been heard of and certainly wouldn't have been respected. My father wasn't going to give me the title but instead he was going to wait for me to find my mate and give the title to him.

I screamed at my father and cried about how unfair he was being. I wanted that position, I thought I had earned it. I realize now just how wrong I was.

My parents had decided to throw a party in celebration of their only child's birthday. The entire pack had showed up and everyone was having a great time, whereas I decided to hide in my room. After a while my father came looking for me.

"Stallia, why aren't you outside with your guests?" He asked me.

"How could you? How could you just decide that I'm not fit to be alfa and then expect me to enjoy some celebration of the day my hopes we're destroyed?" My teeth we're clenched and tears we're threatening to spill.

"Stallia, you must under-" I stupidly cut him off before he could finish.

"No. I can't ever understand why you would do this to me. I've trained until I could no longer stand and I have the respect from the pack. The only thing standing in my way from what is rightfully mine is you. I'm the strongest pack member, almost as strong as you and with a little more training I could be stronger. I have proven that I have the intelligence to handle a pack and I can keep them in line." The tears began streaming down my face. "I can never forgive you for this." I ran out of the room slamming the door behind me.

I had almost made it to the woods when I heard an ear shattering scream. It sounded so much like my mother that I didn't even hesitate before launching towards my home.

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