Part 6

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For months he forced me to do things I never thought was possible for someone to do with anyone but their mate. He forced himself upon me many times, calling out Tiffany's name every time. He called it punishment for taking away his mate but I knew it killed him inside every time he forced himself upon my once pure body. He'd walk into the connected bathroom after he did what he wanted to me. He said it was to wash off the smell of a slut but I knew the real reason. I heard him sob faintly, just barely audible over the running water. That and that alone is what kept me strong for so long.

One night, just like any other he shoved me into the kitchen and told me he wanted steak for dinner. I nodded an answer and set out for cooking. As I finished making the meal I slid the steak knife into my apron and brought Randy's food up to his room. He took the food and dismissed me to eat alone like always.

After I finished my meal I went back to grab Randy's dishes to be washed. When the dishes were finished I went back to my room until summoned for the nightly raid of my body. Randy threw my door open and told me to get into his room pronto, which I did.

I had the knife hidden in my waistband. It dug slightly into my skin but not enough to cause me worry. He pushed me down onto the bed, which caused the knife to poke a little harder. He sat roughly down on my hips and leaned forward so his hard chest was in my face. He grabbed my left wrist and started to strap it to the bed.

The way he was leaning forward, he wasn't able to see anything I was doing and I took advantage of that inability. I slid the knife out, which caused a little pain, and thrust it into his back. He yelled in pain as I pulled the knife out and stabbed him again.

My dumbass couldn't find a silver knife so I had to go with a plain old stake knife. Damn it, if only I had a little bit more time. He lunged towards me and I pushed the knife into his throat. His gasps for air were soon replaced with the gargling of blood. I smiled to myself before ripping his jugular out with my bare hand.

The guards rushed in to see what had happened only to find Randy dead and me covered in his blood. I smiled at them and they all bowed their heads in respect.

They all saw it coming, some even placed bets on when it would happen. I saw them do it and I knew they were hoping I would. I could see it in their eyes, the happiness of not having to follow behind Randy anymore.

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