part two

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I just barely made it in the door when blood splattered across my face. The smell hit my nose immediately and I almost collapsed into tears. I looked up to prove my suspicions and sure enough; a rogue stood with my mother's barely living body in his hands.

His fist was tightly clenched around her throat as she gasped for air. He tossed her on the ground and kicked her in the ribs. I lunged forward ready to attack him, but was quickly stopped by strong arms pinning me against a chest.

I picked up the smell of the man holding me and I realized that it was my father's beta, Randy who was stopping me. Struggling to get free, I yelled "Let go of me! I will kill him!" I was overwhelmed by both rage and fear; wanting to gut this rogue and not understanding why Randy had stopped me.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that." Randy's words snapped me back to reality. "I worked very hard to get them here and I'm not going to let a brat like you ruine that for me."

'He's working with the rogue that's killing my mother?' I thought. I fought against him to get free, fury and betrayal overcoming my senses. "You son of a bitch! We trusted you, you were family."

"It wasn't enough. I want the pack, not to sit on the sidelines and watch." His words struck me hard as realization flooded me. He never cared about us; the pack, my family, my father. He just wanted to gain our trust so he would have the perfect opportunity to attack.

Randy forced me to stare ahead at the bloody scene unraveling in front of us. The rogue turned into his wolf and attacked my mother, viciously biting into her leg. A scream escaped her lips but was quickly replaced by sobs and gasps for air. He tore the flesh from her leg, causing blood to pool on the floor. As she lay bleeding on the floor I saw movement in the corner of my eye.

I heard my dad's sobs before he came fully into my vision. He was a mess; blood was seeping from his wounds and bruises covered him. As soon as his eyes fell upon his mate in a bloody mess on the floor, he began to struggle against the guards holding him back. I recognized those guards ... They were the same guards that protected us so many times before against the rogues or any other threat that dared to surface.

The rogue wolf looked at Randy for confirmation and was quickly met with a nod from him. The wolf smiled viciously then turned back towards my mother. He grabbed my mother's clothing with his teeth before ripping them from her. She was left laying on the floor with no clothing to cover her, causing a growl to erupt from my father. The rogue mounted my mother, still in wolf form, and began to thrust.

I screamed for it to get off of her but it was to no avail. My father crumpled over in pain; a result of the mate bond, and began to sob again. I wished for it all to end, I wanted all the pain and suffering to stop but it didn't seem like my wish was going to come true any time soon.

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