part 4

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I stayed absolutely still as my father struggled for freedom. A pinge of guilt ran through me as he continued to fight.  I planned to escape and to bring him with me but using him as bait seemed so wrong. As a rogue approached me, my father started violently shaking. I could hear his bones cracking with an unusual loudness.

"It's no use. The amount of silver we injected you with is enough to hold off your wolf for a year. That is, if we let you live that long."

So that explains why he didn't shift sooner. Those assholes injected him with silver! Anger washed over me and my wolf tried to gain control but I fought back to stay in charge.

My father began to fight again, throwing punches at anyone who got close. I saw his body begin to shake again and the sound of his bones cracking rang through the air.

The rogues rushed to him, to keep him from killing anyone. They tackled him to the ground, removing their attention from me. I saw one of the rogues had his back turned towards me, an easy kill but I didn't want him. I searched through the wolves and found who I was looking for. I lunged forward, shifting in midair.

I sunk my teeth into Randy's shoulder and flung him across the room. Before he had time to react, I again lunged towards him. His blood filled my mouth as I continued my attack. He laid there on the ground not moving but still hanging onto life.

Why wasn't he fighting back? Why wouldn't he attack me? As questions and anger clouded my mind, I felt a blow to my side. I looked over to see a female rogue baring her teeth at me. She was standing defensively over Randy and wasn't letting anyone else approach him.

Realization hit me and I felt anger boil over again. I lunged towards the girl and dug my teeth into her throat. She tried to fight but I simply threw her against a wall. I heard a growl come from Randy and I turned to see him struggling to stand. A snarl escaped my lips as I glared at him, causing him to stop struggling.

I shifted back into my human form and grabbed him by the throat. My hand was clenched so tightly around his neck my knuckles were turning white. He coughed and gasped for air while trying to pull my fingers away from his throat.

"How dare you? How dare you be willing to slaughter my father's mate right before his eyes and still be stupid enough to try and fight for your own. How dare you bring your mate here and not expect me to repay the favor." I spat out the word mate as of it were poison. "How dare you betray your pack, your family and then not fight back when I retaliate." My anger was boiling over again and I was on the verge of shifting back into my wolf to finish what she had started. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his mate lunge towards me.

"Tiff no!" Randy choked out right before I punched the large wolf in her jaw. She hit the floor with a thud and didn't move for a minute. I took advantage of her hesitation to move and leapt toward her. As she began to slowly drag herself off the floor, I slammed into her side.  A smile spread across my face at the sound of her yelping in pain.

I punched her again in the face before reaching out for the knife that hit the ground when my clothes tore from shifting. Looking at Randy I said, "Now you'll know what it's like to watch your mate die." I plunged the knife into her chest repeatedly, leaving large gash wounds. Blood was covering me and everything near us but, I didn't mind. I loved it.


Sorry that last chapter was pathetically short, but I had to update so that you didn't think I abandoned you ... Hope this makes up for it ... Sorry if you don't like violence I know there is a lot in this chapter

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