Part 7

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I groaned as I realised the obnoxious knock on the other side of the door wasn't leaving anytime soon. "The alpha had better be dead if you're waking me up this fucking early!" I hollered at the person on the other side of my door. "Oh wait a minute, I am the fucking alpha so this had better be pretty fucking important!" I'm a heartless bitch in the morning.

"Alpha, we have important news from the Fire Storm pack," I heard my beta, Conner, call back to me. I groaned at the alpha shit I have to do.

I managed to lug myself out of bed and drag my groggy self down the stairs. Conner was about to speak but I quickly interrupted, "If you say anything alpha related before I get my coffee, I will rip your nuts off and shove them down your throat."

He visibly flinched, knowing I'd keep true to my word. That's what I fucking thought.

After my cup of coffee vanished I motioned for Conner to start speaking. Ugh, I don't want to deal with this crap.

"Fire Storm, as you know, has been complaining about a few rogues hanging close to their pack's territory. Of course, because they hadn't actually crossed into their land, they couldn't attack. We just received word of an attack in their territory. Unfortunately for them however, the rouge they attacked turned out to be the mate of the Dragon Stone alpha. Drasen, alpha of Fire Storm, is requesting our support if war between the two packs brakes out," as his last words came out, he looked worried. He was probably worried I'd snap at him, smart boy.

"Is she alright? That rogue they attacked, is she at least alive? If they killed her there is no way to avoid war. Farren isn't the kind of guy to back down and now that his mates involved, the only way is if she's living." This whole situation is going to cause a massive headache, I know it.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, "Umm yes he is alive, barely, but he is alive." Did he just say that Farren is mated with a guy?

"Farren is gay?!?!" The words came out before I could stop them.

"Yes ma'am, it would appear so." Well this is news to me.

Hey, guys!!!! (and by guys, I mean all of one person that's still reading. Thanks for reading pal!) I'm so sorry for the lateness!!! I swear it won't happen again!! (and by it won't happen again I mean, it will totally happen again!)

Soo what do you think is going to happen between Drasen and Farren? War? No war? Tell me!!!! I had a plan for this story, buuut... lol yeah no! Playing it by ear now XD

peace, love, out
... yeah lol no!
war, hate, out bitches!!!

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