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Her arms pumped as she ran, the scrape of a large blade behind her. The walls seemed to close in on her, until she reached a dead end. She turned to see the creature move closer and closer. It roared out, dragging the blade like sword along the ground. She pushed herself up against the wall and prepared for death. Yet nothing came. Her slim figure stood still, nothing but the sound of raspy breathing. "Pl..please..just kill me...get it over with" she begged, her legs trembling. A garbled laugh sounded from the creature, it's hand reaching up to stroke her cheek. Blood smeared across her face, a loud scream being emitted from her. The creature roared, reaching behind her neck and twisting it's hand, letting the woman crumple to the ground. He hadn't found her yet..Not yet. The nurses were annoying, strutting around and begging for anything. He continued to walk, blade dragging across the floor as he snarled, pushing aside a nurse. Damn James, and these creatures he had created. Damn him for the existence of the Pyramid Man. He walked, hearing feet running along the floor. A new person? Already? This was rare, but perhaps his luck would not run out this time. A Grey Child walked along, making a noise between a gurgle and a giggle. The temptation to walk over and slit its throat was close to unbearable, but he walked on. 

Silent Hill, The Pyramid ManWhere stories live. Discover now