PROTECT HER, Protect Me...

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He walked the halls, blade trailing behind as he growled, pushing aside others. His head twitched, the other ones aimlessly walking around. He pushed into another room, searching for something. His eyes focused on a closed door, and he struggled to pull it open. Let the anger out. STRIKE. The blade raised up and smashed onto the door, it breaking open and crumbling to the ground. Inside lay cans and bottles of water. PROTECT. He grabbed a bottle, holding it gently as he started to walk back. The halls grew quiet as he walked, the metal door soon ahead. He gurgled, walking and opening the door. There she sat in the middle of the room, curled up in the dim light. Her head shot up as he entered. GIVE. GIVE. He walked closer, her body tensed up once more as she watched. He opened his deformed jaw, moving his tongue against the fangs in his mouth. He gurgled, before growling, dropping the bottle in front of her. She looked up, sympathy in her eyes as she quickly took the bottle, taking off the lid and taking a few sips. PROTECT. He sat down, watching her as she stayed still. She smiled gently, and he watched closer, seeing her bright teeth and pure eyes. This is her. Keep. PROTECT. He let the blade clatter to the ground, and he pressed his hands onto the floor. Talk. Why won't you talk? He stayed still, his head tilting to the side. Mute. Speak for her? Deaf? No, she heard me. He growled, her looking up in slight fear. See? Hear. Mute. He growled, the room silent as the noise faded. She curled up, the creature sighing in anger. Can you not speak!? No, calm. PROTECT. He looked down, the metal shining in the light. Sleep overtook her, the cold surrounding the both of them.

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