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He hasn't killed me. The corpses. The other ones. They will kill me. But why am I here?

Hours passed by, and she woke up, eyes blurry. She shifted closer to the warmth, opening her eyes to see her next to the creature. She quickly moved away, panting as her heart raced, her vision white with fear. Stay still. He looked up, quiet as he moved his head back down. What time is it? Come on, leave. He got up, growling as he watched her. He lifted his head up higher, his mouth open as his tongue moved, retreating back as he closed his mouth. He walked to the door, eyeing her and the blade. He opened the door, slamming it shut as he walked away. Her first reaction was to use the bathroom, despite the situation she was in. After that, she sat back down, looking at the blade. It was coated in blood, the bright metal dull under the blood. Rags sat in the corner and she walked over, grabbing one. You left her in there. Her hand wrapped around the rag, and she ran it over the blade, the blood wiping away. The metal shown, the blade more menacing than before. She watched it shine, the halls rumbling as she cowered. Roars could be heard as the door opened to reveal the creature. He went to close it, and turned to face her. His hands held a can and bottle, his head down as he stared at the blade. Stop the quiet. He rolled them to her, and walked to the blade, picking it up and growling. It was bright. Impressive. He held it by his side, sitting down and watching her. The roars grew quiet as they grew farther and farther away. SILENCE. SOLITUDE. They stayed quiet, the only noise was the girl, eating the dried fruit. She coughed, taking a sip of water as he stared. PEACE. There was something there. An unspoken peace between them. Something was with them. I. UNDERSTAND.

Silent Hill, The Pyramid ManWhere stories live. Discover now