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The footsteps were closer, he was sure of it. He had to find the right one, no matter what. He walked, suddenly finding her. It was her, right? Yes, of course it was. He snarled loudly, chuckling as the woman faced him. Her eyes grew wide with fear as she backed away, against the wall. There was no doubt that this was her. He walked closer, her small frame doing nothing to protect herself against him. She struggled to stay still, the blade scraping along the concrete floor. He moved closer, finally right in front of her. He ran a hand along her face, blood smearing as she stayed still. Yes. This is...Perfect. He looked at her, lifting the sword up as she closed her eyes. He slowly pressed it against her, the side cutting into her arm. She tensed, him watching as tears ran down her face. Immune in a way? Possibly. He lowered the blade, bringing his hand up once more and running it through her soft hair. She stayed still, fearing for her life. The others will want her. He moved closer, the cool metal of his head against her own head. One false move, and she would die. Keep her. Don't let the others take her. He grabbed her hand, struggling to not break it within his grasp. He pulled her, walking slowly down the dimly lit halls. She whimpered, him squeezing her hand slightly. She went quiet. 

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