7:That One First Love

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"Roses are red,
Violets are blue..."

"Violet. Violets are fucking violet" I spoke under my breath, not giving any attention to the kid reciting her poem for the third time because 'it's just so nice'. It wasn't nice.

One good thing came out of that atrocious poem: it reminded me that I had to pass by Elliott to pick up the blue roses delivered specifically for me. I had them genetically engineered to grow an early night blue colour.

I clapped robotically as the others clapped and unfortunately we still had time for me to present my poem.

I hated forced attention.

I went up to the front, my thin long coat covering my 6 foot figure, while my platinum blonde hair rested right above my ears.

Everyone was anticipating my poem. I don't mean to brag but I was good at what I did, no matter what it was, long as I wanted to do it.

"Society began with us,

Adam and Eve, they were two

Then it was beyond count

Then we took sides

And society soon labeled us

Boys are cruel

Girls are nice

Then females became double the amount

To many it was a throw of a dice.

As most arsons happen,

You have to add fuel

And life rules were established

With cats chasing mice

Girls  wear pink

Guys wear blue

Males are the ones to say "I love you"

Girls are fragile

That's always our cue

But boys have scarred wrists and empty hearts too."

Thankfully class was over right after I was done with my poem, a round of applause, and a few glares from people who did not appreciate it. It wasn't really my poem, but in some sorts, it was. It was written for me, and I was proud of it. It always reminded me of her and how she saw equality in everything.

A blue rose indeed.

Anyway it wasn't that I didn't like English class, but today's class was too boring...and to be honest, classes which I didn't share with Raiden were boring on a different level.

I liked that kid. He was something special since I first laid my eyes on him. I knew then that I wanted to know more about him. Know how he ended up in such a horrible situation. How he got so damaged so early in life.

His face looked like he aged way before his time, and I wanted to unlock every chain around his heart, and every door to his mind.

"We have got to stop meeting like this" I huffed as I picked myself up from the floor. Raiden had bumped into me at the library and we both fell, along with a few books that landed on his head.

He rubbed his head and winced. "I agree"

"Let me check it" I said, reaching to examine his head when I remembered how he freaked out the last time I tried to touch him.

His body moved backwards as if automatically, and I quickly retreated my hands back to my side.

He put the books back in their place without any problems. It was almost like he knew where every book should be by heart. And he's only been at our school for what? A week?

Afterwards he trotted to where he wanted to sit, which was one of the tables in the back of the library.

One thing to notice about him: He always looks like he's lost in his own mind.

He didn't even see me follow him and sit in front of him since his eyes were glued to a book.

My finger snaked up his page and lowered the book down, breaking his trance. He was too deep in his mind he didn't notice anyone taking a seat right before him.

was he thinking about why am I sitting with him? Or about why do I always seem so clingy towards him?

"You look lost" I spoke in a voice slightly louder than a whisper. We were a little far away from where the readers were sitting so we were good.

"You look lost" he countered.

"I know exactly where I wanna be" I replied confidently. I had always known where I wanna be, I thought. "So no, I'm not lost"

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but why are you doing this?" I didn't care if all he said was cuss at me. I just wanted to hear him talk as pathetic as it sounds.

Anything to replace his screams that were stuck in my head.

I had to do more than double of the effort to keep myself calm. For one, I didn't want him to see me as fragile or not confident, and two, I didn't want to break down and beg him to speak just so I get a better imprint of his voice in my ears.

"Why am I doing what?" I questioned.

"This" he waved his hand back and forth between us, irritably nonetheless. "Sitting with me, talking to me, always trying to help me, sitting by a damn cliff with me" when he said it that way it does make me sound desperate.

"So am I not supposed to be a decent human being?"

"No of course you can, but I meant, uhm," he started stuttering and I just wanted to make the situation less stressful for him but I had to think at least twice about anything I wanted to say. "It's just that people don't associate with me, and I don't associate with them, so this is just unusual for me"

There was a stray lock of his hair covering his forehead and I wanted to move it so badly. I couldn't help myself and my hand was merely inches away from his forehead when he tilted his head backwards.

“I’m not gonna hurt you” I tried to explain but he wasn't having it.

"You don't know that. I have my reasons"

I decided to push it a little further. "What are you afraid of?"

“What do you mean?” he spoke in an even more irritable tone.

“It’s not hard to read you Raiden”

“All these books and you decide to read me?” I couldn't help but smile at that.

There was something between us. Not a spark, or electricity or any of that cheesy bullshit. The whole atmosphere was eerie. It felt like he knew a lot of stuff about me, and I knew a lot of stuff about him, but no one was letting anything on.

“You’re more interesting,” I said, standing up, with my palms nailed to the table, like the stance of a police investigator “You’re more than ink on white pages” I spoke with the same calm steady voice.

We didn't have enough time to say anything else. Well, I didn't, because I was the one saying stuff. He was just replying with short answers. The bell struck, and we had to go to class.

As he lifted himself up to walk to class, I was by his side, and I was going to walk him to class, and I wasn't gonna have it any other way.

More to come soon x.

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