22: When We Were Young

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"Are you mad at me?" I let out through a very dry throat and a pounding headache.

Been out for God knew how long and that was the first thing I said and thought of; if he was mad at me or not.

"Just rest" dad said. He didn't look mad so that was a good sign.

I was still wearing the same clothes and it didn't feel like much time has passed.

I contemplated my surroundings: nothing short of a hospital room. I didn't have anything connected to me; no heart monitor or IV. Though my upper arm felt sore.

I sat up properly, my back a little sore too. From carrying the guy, I assumed.

The guy.

I had totally forgotten about him.

A glass of water was on the table next to me. I downed it with one gulp, earning a look from dad, who was no longer resting his chin on his fists.

Silence lingered between us but unspoken words were dancing in the air too.

"Are you su-"

"I'm not mad at you" he finally said. "In fact," he stood up and closed the door, shutting out the occasional noises from other rooms and hallways. "I was waiting for something like this to happen".

There he was being mysterious as he always were. "What? Do you mean waiting for someone to die and me to half-ass an attempt at saving him?".

"Well it wasn't exactly how I wanted it to happen, but what I mean is, you did it. You did not run from danger, and you chose someone else's life over yours. And for that, son, I'm proud of you" he gave my shoulder a pat, which made me grimace.

"The doctors had to give you a calming shot. You were a bit overwhelmed and over-stressed. That's why you passed out."

"How is he?" I just wanted to know if he was alright. He needed to be alright.

"He's... In terrible condition to say the least. I think we-" dad was interrupted before he could finish.

A young looking doctor, mid thirties entered with a journal in his hands.

"Evening Alfred" he greeted dad and shook his hand as if they were friends. They probably were. "Everything alright with our little champ?" he said looking at me over dad's shoulder.

"He's doing just fine" dad said with pride. I was so done with everything.

The doctor came my way and did a few check ups. Nothing major.

"I'm doctor Grayson, and you should consider yourself a hero for saving that kid"

"Thanks doctor." I muttered politely.

"Well everything sure looks fine. You should know that you will be taking some medication for a while though. And your hair might get a bit.. Whiter" the doctor informed us. "Well I'm gonna go do a few rounds of checkups so if you excuse me"

"Can I see him?" I blurted, turning both heads towards me. Dad and the doctor shared a look and a couple nods, and then Dr. Grayson gestured for me to follow him.

He was there alright. But was he really? He was a shell of a body. A broken one at that. I didn't ask the doctor what were they going to do to him, or what surgeries he has to undergo, though I did ask for his name.

Raiden Haile.

There were 2 people in the room with him, wearing scrubs. His mother and a passed out kid looking just like him on the chair.

Tubes were connected through him like a series of underground tunnel systems.

"We have to go and ready him for surgery, I'll escort you out" Dr. Grayson said.

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