21: Through The Dark

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"Help! Somebody help me!" the scream for help sliced through the night. I wasn't really sure it was real.

The Devil's Alley has all sorts of bad people and dark devious people. All sorts of terrible things happen in here. The cry for help could easily be someone attracting attention to lure people in.

But then I heard laughter and the sound of running footsteps and I got worried. Someone was actually in deep shit.

"No one is going to help you if they can't hear you." pulsated, crawled against the dry walls of the alley, eventually crawling inside my skin like goosebumps.

I finally detached myself from my position next to dad's car.

'Always take risks but only when your gut tells you it's worth it.' dad always said, and I always listen more than I talk.

I followed the voices; Rose on my mind.

If I couldn't save her, I could still save someone else.

"Nobody's gonna hear ya" closer. I was getting closer. The laughter was mortifying to hear. Pleas of pain repeated over and over. Screams of agony that render anyone with a pour heart frozen.

The voices neared. I took lefts and rights, purely lead by my ears. I went through alleyways and alleyways with all sorts of smells. From rotten cheese to rotten flesh. I smelled it all.

One last turn and I saw them, faint in the light. I identified four guys, but couldn't see their faces. Not that it would matter because I don't know anyone here.

That's what I thought that time.

Three were on their feet, laughing.

One was on the ground, dying.

Oh how close death and laughter are.

Rose was still on my mind. They were bullying him, just like they did to her.

It was then when I froze. I couldn't do anything to save him unless I wanted to die next to him.

They were three, and from what it seemed like, they were armed. No martial arts classes would be enough for me to run along the length of the whole alleyway and beat three guys up. They had more leverage over me.

But what about him? Who saves him? If I stood there and let them abuse him and leave him to die, I would've been an equal contributor in this obscenity.

Fuck it.

"Hey get off of him!" I ran towards them. And I will tell you I did not go unnoticed.

They saw me, and for a moment, I wondered if they were going to leave him alone and beat me up next.

I don't know what it was that drove me towards them. Fear? Rage? Adrenaline?


Whatever it was, it was still not enough to save him.

That's until something bizarre happened. They all looked my way, still hidden in a blanket of shadows.

And then they all.... Ran. The other side, away from me.

“Oh shit it’s him!” one of them screamed, his voice oddly and vaguely familiar.

What did they mean ‘it’s him’? Him who? I was a nobody for all I’d known.

I put that thought aside for the instant and focused on the guy bloody and naked on the floor. I freaked out for longer than I care to admit, but it all faded away when I saw his small face-mostly intact. The sick pigs were more focused on mutilating his body.

I shrugged off my jacket with a bit of a struggle. Kind of hard to do things when your mind is a blender of fear, panic, bravery, and nervousness.

I covered his waist-below with my jacket. His whole body was a mess of blood and dirt. A big gash on the lower side of his abdomen was bleeding furiously.
They carved something into his body.

"I'll get you to the hospital don't worry" I said with the calmest voice I could muster. I had no clue how was I going to get him anywhere.

I could carry him back to the car but what that would get me into a "shit, shit, shit" load of trouble.

I couldn't let dad find out I snuck-

He was right behind me when I carried the boy and turned. He didn't say anything as he lead me hurriedly back to the car. It's then when I realised he could die before I could find the cars again.

The Devil's Alley was a huge map of smaller alleys of everything corrupt.

"Hey keep pressure on that!" I said as the boy was gently losing grip on the filthy wound across his abdomen.

"I ca... I... Can't keep.... My h... My ha...." and after that the sounds started to fade, and with him in my arms, I felt like my sole purpose in life was to save him. I wanted to save him. I needed to.

Rose wasn't on my mind anymore.

Dad opened the passenger seat for me as I slid him softly into it.

Shockingly dad got in the back seat and let me drive. I cursed internally.

For a short while I really hated him for it. He was making this whole thing another one of his life tests. The very harsh tests that he did to make sure I'm ready to survive any circumstances.

It was really cruel but I never said dad was an easy person.

I hastily turned the car on, revved the engine and backed it up in chaos. I didn't care that the car was an expensive  Mercedes or that dad was giving me a silent treatment or that I have an almost dying person in my passenger seat.

Not to mention I didn't have a driving licence and we could get jailed with so many charges to be counted.

I drove back to Rivertown with the help of the car's GPS. If it hadn't turned on by itself I would have freaked the fuck out, more than I already was.

The boy had fell unconscious whilst in my arms, and he was still that way. Not knowing if he was alive or dead made me lose my mind. The panic was shooting from my feet to the roots of my hair, which felt like it was gonna turn white from the fear.

He was back to consciousness a little later. I was driving the car at speeds that are definitely past the limits.

He winced in pain when he tried to move. His whole body must have felt like a roadkill.

"Hey hey hey, stay with me okay?" I said. He started crying because he was struggling to even turn to see me or even say anything without wincing or groaning.

"I- c-c-ca" he couldn't speak no matter how hard he tried.

"Shh don't speak. Just hold my hand okay? hold my hand" he put his hand in mine and I squeezed it lightly. It was the only thing that wasn't hurting him.

I held his hand as he fell back unconscious, my dad's face fixed with an emotionless look through my rear view.

Once there, I immediately was at his door, dad on my heels. Quickly enough, I was rushing him through the vast ER corridor until the paramedics showed up with a gurney out of nowhere.

They placed him on it and wheeled him to-


I couldn't tell to where because my vision got darker and darker as if someone was gradually turning off the bright white lights.

And then my knees bailed on me leading me to the cold hard floor.

Dad's scream was the last thing I heard before losing consciousness.

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I hope you enjoyed the chapter and more to come soon x

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