26: Abysmal

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*Trigger Warning*
This chapter might contain material that some readers might find triggering. Read at your own risk as I'm not responsible for what it may lead.

I heard some knocking on my door. I thought it was my mind playing games on me like it usually does when I'm anxious.

But then I realised there were actually knocks rattling the front door.

I panicked.

I looked at the red lines across the length of my left arm.

What do I do? What if it was Aiden? But if it was him where were his keys?

I hastily wrapped my arm with gauze, blood seeping through immediately. It became blotched within seconds.

I grabbed a baseball bat from Aiden's closet on my way to open the door since Aiden used to play baseball. I headed towards it warily with slow silent steps.

I couldn't see who was outside because it was dark but I was able to tell that there was in fact someone.

For a second I thought about not opening it, for something just wasn't right.

Aiden's nervous voice was still lounging around within my last sane brain cells.

Dead silence consumed the eerie atmosphere that seemed as if straight out of a Stephen King's book.

My breath was coming in bursts as I riled up the courage to ask who's there.

I jumped in fear when my phone ringtone smashed the silence like it was made of glass.

"Fuck this stupid phone" I muttered, drawing it out of my pajama pants pocket.

'Thomas Red' the screen displayed.

I debated for a second to reject the call. Since he was thinking of Luna why should I answer?

Dammit Raiden and your insecurity.

I tapped the answer button and Thomas's voice bellowed, not through the phone though, but from a much nearer place.


I hung up and opened the door, Thomas on the other side with his phone still in his hand. He looked at me holding the bat, messy hair, pajama pants, washed down t-shirt.

I quickly hid my arm behind my back. He did not look happy.

We exchanged glances while he bandaged my arm properly. I felt much smaller than I was, even though he didn't say anything. But I felt so bad about myself that it made me wanna disintegrate into the cold floor of my bedroom.

"Please say something" I said. I couldn't bear anymore silence.

"Why? Why do you do this?" he asked, not in a mom way, but in a curious way. "Haven't you had enough pain in your life, that you give yourself more?"

"Because I can control it. It gives me a sense of reality. That I still have some control over my life. That my world still at least has one thing that is under my control and not under others'."

I looked at him, but he was focused on making sure the cuts are clean and sanitised.

"So now you'll try to convince me to stop? Tell me it's bad?"

He sighed. "I'm not gonna tell you anything. I've seen your scars since that day on the cliff when we had our first real conversation. If I wanted to change you I would've tried ages ago. I love you Raiden, the way you are. Even though it doesn't mean I'm gonna be smiling as you hurt, but I'll still be here to clean your wounds."

He crumpled the bloody gauze and tissues and went to the bathroom to dispose of them and wash his hands.

He came back to a crying me. I tried to see myself through his eyes.

You enter a room, to see your boyfriend, the person you love, crying, bandaged, a grubby mess on a cold hard floor. Mess on the outside, mess on the inside. But still you pull off a tough act, and sit there next to him no matter the stupid things he does or no matter how far from good he is.

It made me cry harder and think more of how much of a mess this is.

He sat on the floor behind me, his back resting against the bed. His arms then claimed me and dragged me to his warm body; resting against his chest.

"Someday Raiden, we'll be fine. We'll have our own small house, which with you in it will be home. We'll have children, one way or another, and we'll have a nice TV and a comfortable couch. You'll witness your dreams come to life, and your mind will get the rest it needs. But right now just lean on me, and one day, all of this will be just a drop of black ink against the clear surface of your mind. It'll dance around and swirl and go in different ways. And those pilalrs of darkness will sink into shadows of bare and grimace. Together Rai, we'll see the masks of people faze. But it's no longer about sight, for our vision goes beyond the eyes. And one day, I'll get a taste of you while all your demons go and hide. The heat of the moment will set our hearts ablaze. And see all those veins that you have cut and bent? They bleed droplets of crimson red
And mix with that black spill of ink inside your head, and slowly it won't be black anymore."

My breath became shallow as I spent the last tear in Thomas's arms, with my whole being focused on the rhythm of his heart beat, I fell asleep.
-Luna's P.O.V.-

"Each of us goes in a different car, " he said, blowing smoke swiftly through his lips. "Not our cars because they know them and they'll spot them easily. We're going with seemingly normal guests." he continued his instructions, which were a lot.

"We'll be wearing red ties, and all our masks are gonna be red too."

"Others might be wearing red masks too." the guy sitting on my left, Matt, said.

"Yeah but ours are devil masks, different designs but they're all devils.

"And what about us, Blake?" I asked, trying to show as much interest as possible.

"You guys will be wearing dresses of course, red too. Scarlet already got them." he smirked looking at Scarlet who was fluttering her eyelashes as if they were going to make her fly.

"Mine too?" the smooth looking girl with the rose gold necklace asked.

"Yes lovely, yours too." Blake flirted with her and it was overall repulsive.

Looking at the round table in the foggy room, seeing these disgusting people plotting malicious actions and plans, thinking: how the hell did I get myself into this.

"Each of you will have a gun, don't be afraid to use it when necessary."

"Thomas doesn't get hurt. Remember that's my only condition." Scarlet interrupted.

"No one is gonna hurt your precious brother, Scar. Once Raiden is in our custody, we'll vanish one by one." Blake continued.

"It seems that you keep forgetting you're a Red too" I said, quickly regretting it. Blake shot me a mean glare, and then I remembered how I got dragged into this. It reminded me that I was just as bad as these people.

"Rivertown divided us, but soon we'll reclaim what we had. Aiden Haile is Raiden Haile's weak spot. And Raiden Haile is Thomas's weak spot, and Thomas is Alfred's weak spot. Once we break that link, it'll all fall down." I thought scornfully of Scarlet. How was she able to do that to her own flesh and blood. It got me wondering if they had something on her too. Though she looked more than willing to do it, as if she was seeking revenge.

"Remember, I want Raiden alive." Blake lastly said.

More soon.

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A big thanks for 8k and hopefully more to come!

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