28: Dancing With Tied Hands

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Aiden's P.O.V.
That same knife that was on the table in front of me was being passed across my bare torso, leaving a trail of thin crimson lines that shone bright red in the strong lighting of the overhead bulb.

I did not scream. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of hearing my pain. I tried as much as possible to mask it behind my neutral face. Though my molars were close to breaking because of the pressure I was putting on them through biting hard.

The guy who was inflicting the damage on me had his face covered but his eyes, which were cold, devoid of colour, and his left eyebrow had two slits.

He did not speak, not once, and not even his breath was audible.

My body clenched and writhed every time the sharp blade touched my body.
Two actions which happen in immense pain or immense pleasure.

"Why are you doing this?" I grunted. I was met with a backhanded slap. It stung my face and I tasted the God awful metallic tang of my blood. I spat it on his face, splattering across his dark eyes.

He punched this time and I could feel it bruising.

"Water" I muttered. I hadn't drank water since I got here, and I was pretty sure I would vomit if I don't get the taste of blood out of my mouth.

I didn't get a drink of water to say the least, but at least some water landed in my mouth after he splashed it in my face.

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you?" I tried again, in vain. He wouldn't talk or tell me anything. He even avoided looking directly at me, as if he was forced to do it

"Shut up." He finally said. He had a deep voice, however that could easily be the effect of the mask he was wearing.

"You don't have to do this." I pressed further.

"Shut up." he said, albeit a little louder, less colder, with more emotion.

"You don't have to!" I yelled.

"Shut Up!" he yelled harder, removing the mask off his face and throwing it across the room. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

After seeing his furious face, I didn't speak. Hell I almost told him to continue. He was more hurt than I was, like damn what the hell did they do to him.

When the last cut was drawn across my stomach, warm blood oozed out, then mixed with something even warmer, clearer, and with no colour.

His tears.

Thomas's P.O.V.
"Raiden. Raiden you're paler than my hair what's wrong" I shook him by his shoulders as if he was a porcelain doll. Unresponsive, hollow... Dead.

"He's here. He's here. He's here." he kept repeating like a mantra. It was as if he was enchanted. Who was here? Blake? He better not have trespassed.


Rose was here; my own mantra.

How coincidental was it for both Raiden and I to get mind-fucked at the same time?

Through living the past 18 years of my life, I'd say it's not a coincidence at all.

"Raiden, baby?" I tried but to no avail. "Listen I'll be right back, stay here and keep this with you" I pushed the gun dad gave me into his hands.

This seemed to shake him back to his senses.

"Wha-" I was gone and into the crowd before he could finish.

I followed the red flowing dress through the crowded garden.

I custom made that necklace myself.

I could recognise it anywhere.

My mind started throwing questions in the air, with me catching as many as possible: And if it's her, what are you gonna do?

I didn't know what I was gonna do. I did know if I wanted to anything at all.

Then why are you following her?

Well I don't know, maybe because I thought she's been dead for almost 5 years.

And then one question in the form of one word stunned me. One name.


For a second I stopped in my tracks. What was I doing?

My body felt as if it was two equal parts. One side wanting to follow who I thought was Rose, and the other wanting to go back to Raiden, and my mind, a third part stuck in the middle.

I wanted to follow my heart but how do you follow something going in two directions?

My legs led me on their own, and I was relieved knowing that they were taking me back to Raiden.

In the rush to get to him, I slid past a few people, but to my horrible luck, I knocked a girl to the ground.

I bombarded her with apologies as I helped her up.

I came face first  with a rose gold necklace that I got it custom made myself.

It wasn't possible. Rose died. She killed herself. She threw herself off a damn cliff and into a damn river.

I thought that when I take off the red mask she's wearing it'll be someone totally different. Someone who found the necklace and claimed it as their own, or someone coincidentally had the same one.

But I recognised those eyes the moment I saw them. Those soft eyes were still the same as the last time I saw them.

I felt rage boil up inside me along with some other confused feelings. Not to mention the million questions that I had.

She didn't give me the time to ask or say or do anything.

She started leaning in.
Raiden's P. O. V.
I saw as the girl slowly lifted herself up on her toes and planted a kiss on Thomas's lips.

I was pretty sure my heart made a sound. A crack broke through it, right down the middle.

All the pain I went through, and this moment was the fastest time I teared up.

I stared at the gun in my hands hidden in between my torso and my jacket and only then, I knew what was its purpose.

I knew what to do with it.

I wiped my tears and went inside the mansion, falling like an angel rejected from heaven. Thrown out of an equation where you never had a place. Descending into a pit of the unknown, and I didn't want to hold on anymore.

No hands to hold.

Clouds break apart as down I fall

Rays of Neptune guide me down

Feather by feather they go

Stripped bare like a hollow wall

Body warm and starved till bone

Heart frigid and carved from stone

Soul empty like a deserted hall

A glimpse of her in a red gown

His heart to take is what I must

My mind blocked brain turned to rust

My urge broken with feelings of lust

Wings made of glass and dust

Emotions twist turn into a ball

I scream loud as down I fall.

A/N: Hello, long time I know, but I was really busy with a lot of stuff from school work to mental health and health issues and I was a bit focused on my art.

Don't forget to vote and comment what you think. It is very appropriated and I always try to reply to every comment.

Thanks for reading, more soon x.

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