The Date

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  • Dedicated to Madi

I was speechless. A handsome man had just asked me out to dinner when my breath reaked of vodka and dressed in sweats. This was proably the first real time i actually had a conversation with a man I was attracted too since the killings. I ran up to the bedroom to a droor I haven't touched in forever. It was filled with fancy underwear, dresses, shoes, jackets, and makeup." I threw on a adorable white lace dress with a brown belt around the waist. My long honey blonde hair was curled and went down to my belt. my hair shined in the mirror.  I found this white pmps i forgot i ever had and slipped them onto my foot. I actually felt beautiful. I hadn't felt this way in a long time. I knew i forgot something. A neclace! I opened a jewelry box and found a locket. I opened it to see two pictures of Greg and Lisa. Tears swelled in my eyes at the sight of it. I tried not to cry so I wouldnt ruin the makeup I spent time on. I laighed and put the locket around my neck. I glanced over at my clock to see it was already 5:57. I ran down to the fornt door to find John sitting on my porch. At the sound of my heels he stood up and checked me out from head to toe. I was flattered. Butterflies filled my stomache as John took my hand and walked me to his beautful silver mercedez.  "You look gorgeous by the way" acting as if I thought I looked terrible. I knew i looked great, it just took me a while to realize how pretty i really am when i try. "Hahaha, thank you. You do yourself." He turned on the radio annd breaking news came on, " New leads on the suspect in the Greg and Lisa Shivery case." he turned the radio off rigth after those words. I didn't even want to hear it and I thought it was incredibly sweet of him to think of me like that. "Maybe there is something else on." John flipped through the stations to find nothing, then turned off the radio and whispered, "Talking is good too." I smiled as he backed out of my driveway and headed toward the resturaunt.

"I'll have the lobster bisque with calamari please."

"And for the lady?" The waitor said.

"Ummmm? Chicken Alfredo with house salad. Thank you."

John handed the menus to the waitor. "Let's get to know each other. Whats your favorite color?"

I laughed because it was such a kid-ish question. I felt like I was in 2nd grade all over again. "Violet, you?"

"I'd have to your eyes." My cheeks blushed, and it was probaly really noticeable. He grabbed my hand and said, "If you need anyhelp at all with the case or anything. I'm at your service."

"That's good to know because i was planning on repainting the house." That was a complete lie, but it was the first thing to come to my head that meant more time with John.

"Oh really, you dont like gray? I actually just bought some paint. Do you like yellow?" He laughed and stared into my eyes.

i laughed with him and said, "I was actually thinking caramel brown."

We kept laughing through the night. We talked about our childhood,family,school. It turns out his mom dies when he was young. He never met his dad and grew up with a foster family until he was eighteen and lived on his own.

We walked out to the car, and had exchanged numbers. We pulled into my driveway and he walked me to my door. "I had a lot of fun tonight, Gina."

"Me too and..." before i could finish my sentence he wrapped his hand around my head and we locked lips instantly. It lasted for about twenty seconds until I pulled away, and went into the door without a word. I left him standing there on the porch. I ran up to my room and cried. I wasn't ready for this. It was all too suddden. He texted me minuted after and it read, "I'm coming with paint tomarrow at one. So be ready : )  " I was happy he wasn't pushed away by me leaving. He was coming after me. He was perfect.

The House PG-13Where stories live. Discover now