The Wedding

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  • Dedicated to Lauren

Erin said she would take care of ALL the planning, which took a big weight off of me and John's shoulder's since we are already worrying about the baby.

It has been four weeks since the proposal. I went to the doctor's today to get a sonogram. It's a boy!!

We already have names. The names are Bryce, James, John Jr, Greg, Brandon, or Chace. I love the name chace, but John really like James. I guess we will just wait and see.

Things have been really rough between me and John. I don't know if its because of stress or what, but John has been acting really weird. Ty moved back to Ohio realizing this wasn't a place for him. Erin is so busy planning we don't talk much anymore. Its just me and John. it can get really boring in the house. He moved in with me, and sold his house to Erin for a low price so she wouldn't have to worry about looking for a new appartment. Erin found a job as a wedding planning after we hired her. She even joined an agency. John now works as a bartender downtown. I got a job at a bookstore just more some money for my new baby boy coming. His due date is March 19th. The wedding is two weeks from now. Me and Erin are going dress shopping tomarrow. I am so excited!

John has been coming home really late. He works the night shift at the bar from eight to one a.m. He comes home at three a.m. I try to ask him why, but her ignores the question.

Erin is taking me to this spa resort three days before the wedding. I feel bad for leaving John at the house so long, but he proably will enjoy the space and so will I.

The spa was excellent. I could only stay for a day though before I realized I forgot my wallet. Since the spa wasn't that far away, only an hour, we drove back.

"I'll be right back Erin. Only a few minutes."

I opened the door and walked to me and John's bedroom. I was so caught up in finding my wallet I didn't even look anywhere. I tripped on a bag that I didn't notice. I stood up to put it on the bed when I saw another woman!

"Who are you!?"

"The- the maid. John hired me while you were gone."

" Oh really! Where's John."

"Bathroom," her voice trembled with fear. I wasn't going to hurt her, but if she thought that.

"Who is she!" I screamed when I found the bathroom.

He looked at her then back at me. "She is just a friend."

"She said she was the maid! What are you thinking! We have a baby on the way, and you cheat on me!?" I threw the ring at his face and stormed out taking my wallet with me. I threw a picture of us at the door to the room and sprinted for the car.

"You can forget the wedding. John cheated on me with some sl-"

"Gina, calm down. Can you explain what happend?"

"I was looking for a wallet when I found another woman in my bed and John in the bathroom!"

Erin just stared at her steering wheel. "John? I couldn't believe him. Well, you're not going to let him take control of your house kick him out!"

"I can't. I'll proably start breaking down in there."

"Then I will!"

All I was thinking is the wedding is off, my baby won't have a father he know's, and what a good reltationship down the drain like the rest of my life. I started to cry then I called Erin. She didn't answer. I wanted her to come back, but it was way too long. So I went in very calm. I didnt hear anything. I expected to walk in to yelling and loud noises. I walked up to my bedroom where I saw the mistress on the floor with a knife in her chest. I sat against the bed and yelled, "Erin! John! Anyone!" Then I saw it. Erin was sprawled out on the floor with a slit throat. The only thing missing was John. The window was broken, so he must have escaped. He commited these murders. Why? I called 911 and they came very quick. John was the talk of the town. Wanted posters were everywhere and people have reported seeing him in Ohio. He must have went to Ty.

It has been a couple days since the killing. I was on my way to Erin's funeral when I got a call from the police. They brought to my attention that Erin and the other woman died the same way that Greg had died. I asked them what it meant. They said John had commited those murders. The DNA  matched too, and John had changed his name. it really was Ian Harmike. It all makes sense. Him walking over to my house and instantly flirty and turned off the radio when they spoke about the case. I guess if he dated me, then I might have forgave him or he might have tried to make me leave the country or at the worst case....kill me. All the pieces were falling together.

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