The Date continued

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Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz  Bzzzzzzzzz

"Shut up already!" I rolled over to find a cat sitting on the pillow next to me. "What the he-" I was inturuppted by my front door being slammed open and screaming, "Toby!, Toby!" I saw a old woman run up into my room and grab her cat. "I am so sorry to disturb you. You window was open and my cat must have found its way in your house. I am sorry to intrude. Your door was open and.." I was pretty furious that this stranger had barged into my house and a smelly cat was in my bed, but I just thought of the day ahead and John and let it go. "It's ok. The cat was so adorable!" I laughed and showed her the way out. She grabbed something on the way, but I was too busy staring at my phone to notice. Endless texts from john appeared on my phone. They read...

"Good Morning sunshine. Ready to paint?"

" Wake up! Coming in twenty minutes!"

"Don't make me come over there : ) "

" I'm serious, if i don't get a text back withing ten minutes....."

"On my way"

I was getting all of his texts just wanted him to come. I was wearing a puple cut off shirt revealing my belly button and its peircing. I wore jean short shorts. My hair was braided to the side. My side bang hanging down my face, and perfume bounced off of my tan skin.

I waitied on the steps of my porch. Right as I saw John walk over I stood up and game him a big grin with my thumbs tucked into my pockets.

"There you are. Did you get my texts?"

"Oh you mean the seventeen? The yes," I started to crack up. "Did you bring the right color paint? Caramel Brown?"

"Well, caramel brown wouldn't really work well with this house, but you know what color would? Blue...."

" We will try, but if I don't like it...."

"You will, trust me," he said as he smiked and handed me a paintbrush and said, "Let's get to it!"

We painted for four hours. Our conversations filled with awkwards moments and then flirty gestures and a few winks.

"I think its time for a lunch break. Come inside," my hands signialling to come and follow me.

" I already saw your place. Come in mine. I don't bite that hard."

He grabbed my hand and led me to his house and then into his kitchen. I sat down in one of his dining chairs and played with the placemat in front of me.

"Do you like chinese food?"

"Anything is fine with me."

He tied a bandana around my eyes. i heard silverware and dishes clinging and liquid pouring. Then there was silence for about thirty seconds until he told me to take my blindfold off. He had prepared me kung po chicken and white rice. Chcolate milk was in a tall glass and then I was him. His hair was gelled back and he had switched from a button down shirt to no shirt at all.

"Sorry, I was hot. I'll grab a shirt. One second."

"You- you dont have to change. I mean, well, I dont mind." I was embarressed by the way I stuttered. I couldn't help myself. His abds stood out so well and his glowing radient skin relfected off the the sunlight coming from the kitchen window.

"So you like it?" He smiled and just sat down next to me. "You know I am still waiting for then second half of that kiss."

I leaned in and our lips met instanly. It was going perfectly until my chair slipped and I came crashing onto the floor bringing John with me.

I was faced up to the ceiling and he was rolled next to me turned onto his side. We laughed and he just continued the kiss. We just stayed in his house and didn't paint for the rest of the day.........

The House PG-13Where stories live. Discover now