10 seconds to live

30 1 1

(*WARNING: Short, heart stopping, surprising, deep, scary, jaw dropping, wanting to kill me until i agree to write more, cliff hanging chapter. Enjoy trying to kill me to make me write more! I mean... ENJOY THE CHAPTER!*)


I laid on the bed waiting for Corbin to come back. My back was in knots, I can barely breath, and my ankle was on fire. The blaze of stinging felt like a raging stampede of horses with knives on their hooves. The sting grows and when I look across the white sheets I see blood seeping in the cotton. The blood spreads like a wild fire.

I see Corbin dash in with a little white box that has a Red Cross on it. He unravels the wet bloody shirt that once was pure white, but now it's deep with in the bloody darkness.

Corbin puts a thick white bandage around my ankle. He unravels the white roll until it was no longer a circle. He puts medical tape over the bandage so it wouldn't fall off. (NO DIP!)

"You're ok. You look dead..." Corbin's eyes widen, but before I could even tell him I'm ok, everything goes black. Darkness surrounds me with a cold chill up my spine. I suddenly see something across the black abyss. "Is that... NO!" I screamed using my last breath.

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