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                                                                                       Chapter 2 

        Rosa's eyes darted open, she saw the dark blue sky and stars glittering. She heard a large bang and ran from the den, her paws barely seeming to touch the ground. Rosa slowly came to a stop, Rosa saw something she never hoped to see. Rosa wanted to scream, call everyone for help, her eyes closed and her heavy breathing calmed and slowed. She saw no wolves, no animals, no Halo. She watched as huge machines destroyed the forest, she then saw crowds of animals darting out of the forest. Rosa watched humans emerge, she was caught between a rock and a hard place, "What do I do?" She asked herself, "Should I go help?" her mind pondered, she answered her own question. She jumped from rock to rock, back and forth, spiraling in a circle. Her paws hit the rocky ground, grass crumpled below her large paws as she slowly went into the forest. She darted deeper into the forest, she kept running until she saw Halo. Rosa's eyes followed Halo, Halo disappeared through the brush. Right when Halo disappeared Rosa heard a gun shot, was Halo hit? Rosa peered up to see wolves being taken and dragged from their dens. Rosa saw the alphas defending their packs, she then saw Halo get up Oh no, Halo! She cried in her mind. Rosa looked around, her mind was raging with thoughts, What is going on? 

 Rosa felt her body shake, she breathed in the cold air. Rosa darted toward the tree, she scrambled past and darted up a mountain side, her claws skidded on the rocks.Rosa then jumped, pulling her body upward. She jumped over an old log before it fell, crashing down the cliff below her. Rosa left  trails of dust behind as she looked over the plateau, where the Meadow Pack lived. No one was there, the only trace of wolves was blood and paw prints. Rosa saw the  tracks of four wolves, none of them were adults, all pups. Which meant the young were somewhere nearby, without their pack.Rosa quickly followed them down a ridge to find the tracks in a shrub. A human was right there, trying to get them out. Rosa's jaw dropped as her muscles clenched. She bit down hard on the man's leg and the man screamed in deep pain then tried to hit Rosa. Rosa gave one more threatening snarl and he ran away from her deadly jaws. She peered in the bush, "Are you four alright?" She had asked the young puppies. "No, were scared, alone, and tired," answered a young male. Rosa considered him the oldest only because he was the only one willing to actually speak to her. "It's going to be okay, I promise!" Rosa cried. Rosa then felt a vibration in the ground, a wolf was coming, "I agree, you are going to be okay," said the voice. "Halo!" Rosa said turning around, she was happy to see that the wolf's beautiful coloration again, "I'm glad to see you, alive." Rosa grinned in pleasure, "I'm glad to see you alive as well," Halo replied, "Well, we have something else to talk about." Halo snorted, then it happened, Rosa awakened. 

        Heavy breathing flooded Rosa, It was just a dream, Rosa thought. No reason to panic! She stood up, "Halo?" Rosa called out, "Are you out here?" she asked, but she couldn't see Halo. Fortunately, no humans, no machines, and the packs were all together. For now, everyone, every wolf was safe but her dreams never lie, there will be humans coming. Rosa felt it in her bones, she always had these horrible nightmares about the future. It first started when she was young the night before she had her parents ripped away from her. She couldn't stand that happening to other wolves. She felt like she wanted to go cry, want to go back and redo so much that has been done. Rosa looked around for Halo then sat up, her eyes followed the valley below her. Rosa sat up straight and breathed, she felt so bad to know that all those bad things will come true. She can't imagine how Claudia will feel, knowing Fire has been taken, knowing that her four puppies would have been taken to if she wouldn't have interfered with the situation. Rosa felt her heart skip a beat as sorrow filled her soul. Rosa felt her worried daze fade as she then went into her thoughts. How will I tell Halo this? She deserves to know what is going to happen, how do I tell that stubborn wolf that she'll be in pain if she doesn't stay away from the situation? Halo is a very stubborn wolf, she'll never let all of those wolves suffer to the pain. I've just got to keep an eye on her I guess. I'll have to see what she thinks of this situation before I jump to conclusions. Rosa shook her head so she would stop worrying but the truth of the matter is if Rosa wanted to tell Halo, Where is Halo? Rosa took another glance at the surrounding fields, silence filling her ears. Halo can take care of herself, she will be back soon,right? Rosa asked herself, She can handle herself right? Rosa's thoughts echoed in her head. Besides, she'll be back soon, or else, I'll go out and look for Halo myself.


Disclaimer, the picture at the top, once again does not belong to us. Full credit goes to the original artist. 

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