Rising Storm

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Chapter Three

Halo lifted her head and looked over at Rosa, "Rosa... I have something to tell you." Halo let out a sigh, "Go on," Rosa mumbled. Halo sighed once again, "I know this is going to sound absolutely crazy, but hear me out, okay?" Rosa nodded, "Okay? What is it?" Rosa asked sounding concerned. Halo let out a deep sigh, "Well... I saw some trees fall in the forest and I'm pretty sure that humans are here." Halo muttered quickly. Rosa shook her head, "Halo, don't talk so fast. I can't understand a word." Halo quickly muttered an apology before repeating what she had said, only this time a bit slower. Rosa's eyes widened in alarm, "I knew this was going to happen, but this soon?" Rosa muttered to herself. Halo looked at Rosa in shock, "Did you just say you knew this was going to happen?" Halo asked in disbelief. Rosa nodded, dropping her head, "I was going to tell you I swear! I just didn't want you to panic about it..." Rosa said sadly. Halo moved closer to Rosa and gave her a small nudge, "Don't worry about it, okay? I'm not mad, and your probably right. I would have panicked." Rosa looked up at Halo and nodded, smiling slightly. Halo looked towards the exit of the den, deep in thought. Rosa watched Halo with a slightly confused expression on her face. Halo seemed to shake herself out of her thoughts at looked over at Rosa, "Rosa... This is bad, very bad. We have to warn the other packs!" Halo said in a panic. Rosa nodded, "I know Halo, I know. We just need to figure out how we are going to go about telling them." Halo titled her head to the side, "What if we called for an emergency gathering? It would get all of the wolves in the area in the same place at the same time." Rosa nodded, "That's a great idea! Only one problem..." Halo looked confused for a moment before asking, "What exactly is that one problem?" Rosa let out a small sigh, "Well for one, we don't know how they are going to react. They could react badly and not believe us. It's going to take more than just the two of us to stop this." Halo nodded, "True... Wait!" Halo exclaimed causing Rosa to jump slightly from her sudden outburst, "If we can get at least half of the wolves to consider the threat we have a chance of proving that we aren't making this up." Rosa nodded, deep in thought, "True, but what if we can't convince them that this is actually happening, that this is an actual threat. That we could all lose our homes if this continues..." Halo clenched her jaw, digging her claws into the ground, "Well, we have to hope for the best. I'm sure at least some of the wolves will take this as an actual threat. Plus, even if they don't believe us at first they wont just push this aside." Rosa was silent for a moment before responding, "You're right... This isn't something they would just push aside, it's too dangerous for them to." Halo smiled, "I knew you would say that." Rosa simply rolled her eyes at Halo, "Sometimes I wonder how I got stuck with you." Halo let out a small gasp at this, "Well guess what, so do I." Halo paused to flick Rosa's nose with her tail, "I wouldn't have it any other way though." Rosa rolled her eyes but smiled, "Neither would I." Halo smiled, "I'm glad, I honestly don't think anyone else could handle me." Rosa let out a snort at this, "I don't think anyone else could either. To be honest I'm surprised I'm still sane." Halo laughed, "To be completely honest, I'm surprised you even made it this far without leaving me." Rosa nudged Halo, "I would never leave you. No matter what you may have done." Halo nuzzled Rosa, "I would never leave you either, you're family, and family sticks together." Rosa nodded, "Even when things get tough, we will always have each other to back us up." Halo wagged her tail, "Always." Halo smiled, "Now, enough chit chat, we have a gathering to plan!" Rosa nodded in agreement, "So, the plan so far is to call all of the packs, explain what you saw as well as my dream, hope they don't think we are messing with them and convince the others that don't believe us. Correct?" Halo thought for a brief moment, "Sounds about right, but how do we go about convincing them that we aren't just messing around?" Rosa simply shrugged, "I guess we will cross that bridge when we come to it." Halo stared at the ground in thought, "I really hope this goes well, I don't want anyone getting hurt." Halo whimpered. Rosa pressed herself against Halo's side, trying to offer her some comfort, "I know you don't, but you have to accept that wolves are going to get hurt during this. We have to fight for our land, for our freedom." Halo nodded, a determined look settling on her face, "A fight for our land, our freedom." Halo muttered to herself, "A fight to stop the humans form taking what is rightfully ours." Rosa smiled at Halo, "Exactly. Once the humans realize how determined we are, they will regret the day they came to our hidden forest." Halo stood up and walked to the edge of the den, a gust of wind rushing past making her fur fly around her. Rosa stood and walked over next to Halo, feeling the wind rush through her fur. Halo turned to Rosa and locked her icy blue gaze with Rosa's deep amber one, and nodded. Halo knew that she was ready for whatever was coming, with Rosa by her side she could accomplish anything. 


Picture at the top does not belong to us, full credit goes to the original artist.  

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