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Chapter Ten

Rosa looked out over the final few steps of the hilltop. Rosa felt bad for the look she gave Halo, ever since then she had been a lot more quiet. Although she never meant to make her feel like that, she wanted to apologize but Rosa felt like it was already to late. Several hours had past since then. Rosa shook her head, ever since Aurora explained what those ghost wolves wanted, she had been silent. Rosa was tempted to run ahead and scout out what was ahead but she contained herself. She had realized Slate had been more open ever since Aurora went missing, he was still a jerk but he seemed to be getting used to them, maybe saw them as family in a way. Rosa looked at the short forest, and another mountain range hiding what was behind it. As they continued forcing through the thick brush, it actually warmed up. Hot. It was Hot. That was good news though that could mean that they we're getting close to the Sonora Desert. Rosa stared at the greenery of the forest. She peered slightly behind her, ever since Aurora went missing she had been so careful with them. Rosa took the lead earlier today, she was determined to get there. The worse thing is going to be going to North Carolina that is practically half way across the country. It wasn't going to be a easy nor fun trip but next after the desert will be even colder. Climbing so far up made Rosa already feel the freezing cold. Rosa finally snapped out of her dream land. About twenty minutes later, she looked at the mountain range. From the top of the hill they just descended off of you could see nothing, which meant this hill was taller, and thicker which means a tiny bit more land to cover. Rosa took one last glimpse at the enormous mountain standing before her. Rosa breathed in, filling her lungs with warm air and started up, she felt her paws dig into the dirt, her legs started shaking beneath her, rocks started crumbling and crumpling beneath her. Feeling alarmed she bounded onto a huge boulder. Aurora was the second behind her during the journey. Rosa looked at Aurora, the yearling had faced so much in such little time, she watched the young one frightened to dare what Rosa did. "It's going to be okay Aurora, push off your back legs and allow your senses to calm," Rosa spoke trying to calm her. "The ground seems unsteady, for a reason I don't think we want to know about." Rosa warned Slate and Halo, Aurora finally took the chance and her paws pounded onto the same rocky edge Rosa had placed herself on. Next, came Halo she looked around the grassy hill top. The mountains' sharp little edge was shaking slightly the rock was losing its balance most likely from the weight off both Aurora & Rosa. Rosa looked around quickly as fast as lightning she knocked Aurora from her stance & pushed her off the rock, quickly Rosa & Aurora went flying as the boulder tumbled down the rocky mountain. Rosa had pushed Aurora into the ground, grinding dirt onto her pitch white coat. "I'm sorry Aurora, I just didn't want that boulder to turn you into pancake." Rosa apologized, "It's okay, I would rather being dirty then one with ground." Aurora responded kindly as she shoke off the left over dirt & grass. Out of the corner of Rosa's eye she could see Slate laughing enjoying the hilarious scene. But, Halo quickly interfered, "Sir, I have no clue why you are laughing! My friends' could have been a flattened!" Halo barked, "So?" Slate said sarcastically, "It was a hilarious fail, lighten up Halo." Slate jerked, quietly Rosa heard Halo mutter continuing up the mountain, "Jesus, I wish he was the prey to that rock," Halo uttered quite annoyed. Rosa shoke her head & continued walking up the mountain, it wasn't long till they reached the top but thanks to a lot of trees Rosa couldn't see what was a lay beyond it. It was so dense they couldn't even see the end of the mountain. Finally, Rosa walked over to Halo. "Hey," Rosa said to her, "hi..." Halo said her head was down, "Look, I'm sorry about the look I gave you when we we're nearing the Haunted Hollows." Rosa said, Rosa feels guilty easily it takes the littlest of actions to make her apologize. "Just, maybe next time you want to find someone can you give us a heads up?" Rosa spoke trying to soften the blow, "Alright," Halo said perking up. "You seem mad at Slate, but to be fair he is a jerk." Rosa questioned Halo "Well, I don't find it funny how you & Aurora could have been smashed to pieces." Halo growled, "Agreed, I would love to be able to watch you make him terrified, & I got front row seats." Rosa grinned, slightly enjoying how the words twisted. "You got that right!" Halo joined in amused. "Boy, he better sorry once I get my chance to murder him!" Halo said sarcastically. Rosa started to tense, they we're almost near a rock they agreed to see if they could see any farther then. "I wonder how long it will be till we meet the Sonora Desert." Rosa reminded Halo, "It can't be that far off, am I correct? I mean we have been traveling for a good week or so," Halo added on continuing her statement. "I am just afraid of our water situation." Halo spoke, Rosa could hear a bit of fear in her voice which was rare. "Well, according to the Crimson's Alpha Female," Rosa continued, "There is a big river in the middle of the whole desert." Rosa responded, "Yeah, true but what about predators? Such as coyotes, rattlesnakes, tarantulas, centipedes? Halo reminded Rosa, "Half of those animals are either venomous or dangerous as a threat." Halo said, Rosa knew Halo, tarantulas we're NOT predators to a wolf, but lets say Halo hates them. Finally they reached the rock, Rosa heard Aurora & Slate gasp in excitement. Rosa & Halo both walked up the sandy dusty rock, the rock was orange matching the sand covering it. Once they reached the cliff there it was. The Sonora Desert.


(Disclaimer: The photo on the top is not owned by us all credit goes to the original artist.)

  Hi everyone! Evening here, I hope you enjoyed the first book of Dawn of The Wolves! More is soon to come! I just want to point out the animals and big river I mentioned in this chapter are not real, (I'm not sure coyotes are even in the Sonora Desert) or not accurate. This is just to make the next book interesting. Hope you enjoyed "The Journey Begins."

Hey guys! Wild here, as Evening said we do plan on making a second book to Dawn of the Wolves. We would love to know what you guys think about the first book, what you liked as well as what you didn't like, so don't forget to leave a comment or a like! Also, I just wanted to apologize for how short the last chapter was as well as how late is was, with Christmas and New Years I simply didn't have enough time to sit down and write, and if I did it was late at night and I was tired, I also didn't really know what to write for that chapter so I hope it wasn't too boring. Anyways, I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night, wherever you are and whatever time you're reading this.

Dawn of the Wolves Book One: The Journey BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now