Unfortunate Beginnings

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Chapter One

(Quick authors note, anything written in italics is what the character is thinking)

Halo was jerked from sleep as she heard a tree come crashing down, the sound echoing for miles. Halo looked over at Rosa and let out a small grunt, How is she still sleeping? Halo huffed before rising to her paws, shaking whatever dirt happened to get stuck in her pelt from sleeping. Halo silently walked past Rosa, trying her best to not wake the sleeping she-wolf. Halo soon reached the entrance of the den and slowly crept out, ears perked, eyes scanning the canyon that lay in front of her. A loud crash rang through the forest making Halo jump, "What in the world is that?!" Halo muttered to herself before looking back at Rosa. Seeing Rosa was still in a deep sleep she smiled and walked out of the den cautiously, looking around for any signs of trouble. Halo walked through the canyon that led to the den she and Rosa shared, the canyon was tall with thick stone walls that kept the pairs home hidden from any wolf that happened to wonder too far from their own territory. Halo continued to make her way through the canyon before she came to a split in the path. Luckily for Halo she knew the canyon like the back of her paw and continued going straight, rather than breaking off to the left. The ground turned from a hard, rocky surface to grass and dirt as Halo exited the canyon. Halo kept walking until she reached the waterfall that she and Rosa often went to for a drink. Halo scanned the landscape before her and flicked her tail in frustration, "I could have sworn it came from around here..." Halo muttered before turning away from the waterfall, the roaring sounds of the water fading the further away she got. Halo continued making her way through the dense forest, weaving around trees and various plants that littered the forest floor. Halo kept walking until she reached her destination, the lookout cliff that she and Rosa often went to. Halo scanned the trees for signs of any gaps in them, she huffed not being able to spot any, "What did I hear... It couldn't have been nothing. I'm sure of it..." Halo muttered to herself. Halo turned and walked away from the cliffs, soon after she heard the booming sound of a tree falling. Halo whipped around and ran back to the cliff, looking around frantically for the source of the noise. Halo let out a frustrated growl as she still wasn't able to see exactly where the noise originated from. Halo shook her head to clear it, Think Halo, think. Halo let out another frustrated growl as her tail sliced through the air showing just how frustrated the she-wolf was. Halo turned and padded back into the forest, ears perked listening for anything that happened to disturb the silence that radiated throughout the forest. Halo went to the waterfall and sat down by the waters edge, watching the waves ripple off the shore. Halo took a deep breath, closing her eyes, listening to the sounds of the waterfall. Halo opened her eyes and rose to her paws, having calmed down now. Halo walked back towards the canyon to head to a different area. Halo kept walking until the ground changed from the soft grass of the forest floor to hard stone as she entered the canyon once again. Halo walked further into the canyon, the canyons walls rising up beside her as she went deeper into the maze she called home. Halo found herself back at the split in the path, instead of going straight she turned, going to the right. Halo kept walking until she saw the exit that led into the forest. Halo turned to the left heading deeper into the thick forest that surrounded her. Halo kept walking, occasionally having to leap over branches that had fallen onto the path she took. Halo soon reached the cliff that she had been looking for, it was similar to the other lookout cliff but it showed a different part of the forest. Halo's icy blue gaze swept across the top of the trees, looking for any signs of a disturbance in the forest below. Soon after a loud snapping filled Halos ears, making them ring loudly. Halo shook her head wincing as she looked at the forest below, letting out a loud gasp at what she saw. A hole had opened up in the forest, making it look like the trees had been swallowed whole by the earth with no explanation as to why it happened or what had caused it to happen. Halo's jaw dropped as she stepped back from the edge of the cliff, a horrified expression written on her face. Halo turned and ran back into the forest, What just happened? What did I just witness! Halos panicked thoughts raged though her head as she ran through the forest. Halo leaped over a pile of branches but unfortunately misjudged the distance and fell into the pile. Halo let out a huff and climbed out, shaking bits and pieces of twig from her thick pelt as she continued to run back towards the den. Halos legs moved furiously as she ran across the forest floor, her legs seeming to blur together from the pace she was going. Halo soon reached the canyon and slowed down panting heavily. The she-wolf looked behind her still trying to catch her breath, Halo turned and walked into the canyon, I'm going to have one heck of a story to tell Rosa when I get back. Halo kept walking, the split in the path finally coming into view. Halo turned right once she reached the split, heading back towards the den. Halo kept walking until the den finally came into view. Halo walked into the den and saw that Rosa was awake. Halo laid down with a sigh and kept silent, not bothering to tell Rosa what had happened just yet as she was still confused about the situation herself.


Hello everyone who made it this far, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Dawn of the Wolves! Let us know if you like this story so far and what your thoughts are on it!

Also, quick disclaimer the picture at the beginning of the story does not belong to us. Full credit goes to the owner. We do not own any picture/ drawing unless stated otherwise. 

Dawn of the Wolves Book One: The Journey BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now