20; after the break up (Tom Holland)

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how could he do this to you?

you were on your way home from work, earlier than normal. you head straight home knowing tom would be in; since he doesn't have to film.

looking back now, you wish you hadn't.

"hey tom!" you said cheerfully.

you walk into the living room and you feel tears form in your eyes. what you saw - what you saw was your worst nightmare. you see tom, kissing another girl.


he broke your heart. you never believed tom would be a guy to cheat? you love him and you thought he loved you.

as soon as your hear the door shut, you fall to your knees, wrapping your arm around them, and finding yourself unable to stop the tears falling.

you were heart broken.

—a/n; i'm sorry :(

Tom Holland / Peter Parker imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now