46; mj (peter)

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request from PeteParkerHolland :
hi! please can you do one where peter likes the reader but the reader admits she likes mj.
fem!reader x mj
(sorry if this is bad - my writing has gone downhill)

your best friends were ned, peter and mj. you were all inseparable. and you loved them all so much.

"hey uh, y/n, can i talk to you a minute? it's important." peter says, a layer of softness laced in his voice. you say bye to ned and michelle and follow peter around the school. he takes you to a quiet area, under the far end of the school's stairs.

"what are we doing here pete? what's so urgent you have to tell me?" you question.

"i um, i have had feelings for you for quite some time now, and they just grow stronger and stronger every time i see you and i really really like you. a lot. you're just an amazing, absolutely beautiful and such a kind hearted person."

"woah, peter. i um, i don't know what to say, i'm flattered honestly but... i like someone else." did he really like you?

"i um, this was - i'm sorry. wait who do you like?"

"don't be sorry." you place your hand on his shoulder. "and i trust you not to tell anyone, i um i like mj. i know it's stupid and i have like zero percent of a chance but yeah." you let out a shaky sigh.

you lift your head up, wearily looking at your friend, who has a huge grin on his face.

"ok, even though i have deep feelings for you, i have to admit the two of you would be great together. and since you're one of my best friends, i'm gonna help you." he grins.

"you're the best pete!" you hug him tight.


"ok, so i got nothing... maybe you can, i er, nope. i'm supposed to be a genius! i can't even get two people to date."

"that's cause you suck in the area called love." you retort back, sticking your tongue out at him.

"why, why don't you just tell her how you feel."

you wanted to do that you really did, but your anxiety always took over.

"look, screw your anxiety and just do it, call her and meet up with her!" peter eagerly picked up your phone, pushing it into your hands.

"okay, okay, fine i'll do it."

you pull up michelle's contact and call her, to which after a few rings she picks up, "hey what's up?"

"hey can you meet me at the park?"

"sure, i'll be there in five."


"i can't believe in doing this, thank you so much peter! i gotta go."

"let me know how it goes!" you hear peter shout as you exit his apartment.

as you reach the park you see mj sitting on a bench, hands in her pockets, and surprisingly no book with her.

"hey, no book?" you question.

"no, you sounded like it was urgent, so i wanted to pay all my undying attention towards you." she says turning towards you as you sit in the bench.

"i um, i'm not quite sure how to say this but i've had these feelings and i - i i've liked you for some time now and it doesn't feel like just a crush, it seems more than that and i just i'm falling in love with you, and you probably don't feel the same, i mean who does but... yeah i should stop rambling now."

"y/n." michelle starts, "as you know, i don't do emotions, but i, gosh, i'm speechless, i guess i like you too, i always have, but instead i hid my feelings with sarcasm and i put on a front."

you smile at her, glancing into her eyes. on instinct, you lean in, and michelle does the same, until your lips meet each other's, it was a short yet sweet kiss, your stomach felt warm inside. this was it, the moment you dreamt of forever.

"that was, amazing." you hear mj whisper as you pull apart. "so uh, how about a date sometime?"

"a date sounds perfect, how about friday night?" you respond.

"yeah that's great." she says softly.

neither of you move, you just simply leant into her body, her arms holding you tight, as you feel the cool wind blowing around you.

this was magical.

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