Zodiac Awards

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Presenting. . . the Zodiac Awards! Which award did you get?

Aries: Angriest Asshole Award

Taurus: Number 2 and Loving It Award

Gemini: Superficial Nervous Wreck Award

Cancer: Crybaby Emotion-pants Award

Leo: Egotist Extraordinaire Award

Virgo: Petty Perfectionist Award

Libra: Indecisive "Individual" Award

Scorpio: Secretive Bastard Award

Sagittarius: Expert Exaggerator Award

Capricorn: Condescending Parent Award

Aquarius: Complete Weirdo Award

Pisces: Idealistic Idiot Award

Credit goes to yourclitoris. Check out yourclitoris's blog on tumblr!

Which one did you get? Share them in the comments! I'm an Aquarius, so apparently I am completely weird. What's yours? And was this accurate?

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