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my hands were shaking. i was at the café me and jungkook planned of meeting. of course, i wore a disguise but you never know who's watching you. 

my phone beeped, signaling that i have received a message from someone. i thought it was going to be from my eonnie's, asking me how i was doing but it was from jungkook.

Dongsaeng 🍪: where are you, noona? 

lisa: table two. 

i don't even know why im feeling this way, why am i so nervous? he's just another idol whom im friends with, anyways. 

suddenly, a guy wearing a white shirt and timberlands came to my table. at first, i didnt recognize who it was but then the with shirt and timberlands reminded me of someone. it was him. 

"yah! i thought hd pictures of you would tell me how you really look like, but i guess im wrong." 

"you look even more beautiful in person, noona" he added, then smiled.  

"psh, lies. order now before i change my mind on paying!" i said jokingly. 

"we already talked about this! im paying, or else my hyungs will make fun of me for not being a 'gentleman' towards a girl!" he argued. 

aish, this kid. 

 "ugh, fine. atleast ill get to keep my money" i said. 


we ordered what we wanted, and waited to get our order. we decided to talk as we waited for our orders.

"heard you're going to america" i started.

"yeah, why? i bet you're going to miss me." he smirked, as i scoffed. this boy.. 

"keep on dreaming, kook" 

"ill keep on dreaming 'till you'll be mine, noona" 

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