Hey guys! Like I said I'm taking a few weeks to refresh my mind. I have gotten a few ideas, but it's still not enough for me to keep writing. On my YouTube channel,"TheSendatrites2013" I have a big suprise for my tazerz. I won't be making any gaming videos while the suprise is going on because I won't have a computer. If I do (by any chance) have a laptop or a computer, I'll try my hardest to make a video. I'm sorry for not putting another chapter up, but like I said, I need a break before I get freaking writers block (even though I love to write this, btw I don't like reading, so this is all from the top of my head too!). *HAHAHAHA* yea, no it's not funny, writers block sucks. I hope you like my FIRST fanfiction about my idol (yes, Toby is my idol), and I hope you keep reading. Subscribe to meh YT channel please: TheSendatrites2013
Also subscribe (if you have not yet): Tobuscus, Toby Turner, TobyGames
I'm here for you! (Tobuscus/Toby Turner Fanfiction)
RomansaWhen Aria gets a suprise from her mother, she doesn't know what to do. It's a plane ticket to LosAngelas, California. The night she gets to L.A., she bumps into something. But it wasn't something, it was someone.