I'm Here for You!

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Aria's P.O.V.

          I woke up in my room. I looked around to see I was in my house. I checked the time. 8:27 am. I rubbed my head and got up. I walked into the living room to see my mom. She was on her phone. "What the heck? Just a minute ago I was in a factory holding a dead Toby. Why am I at my house?" I thought to myself. My mom looked up at me,"Well, goodmorning Sleeping Beauty. Are you excited to live in L.A.?" I was so confused. "Are you alright?" she asked. I shook my head,"Y-Yea, I just had the strangest dream/nightmare ever." She started to look confused too,"Okay, umm, do you want to talk about it?" I nodded and replied,"No, sorry." She nodded once again, understanding why I didn't want to talk about it. I looked at her and responded,"I'm going to get ready for my flight." I took a shower and got ready for the trip. 

          When I got on the plane, I fell fast asleep. The dream that I had the night before felt so real. I felt like all of that stuff that happened was real. I was saddened that none of it was real. The only part I was glad that it wasn't real, was when Toby was kidnapped and killed.

          When I woke up, I was in L.A.. I waited for my bag in the airport when I realized it was missing. "Son of a biscuit!" I responded. I walked out of the airport and pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket. My new home address. While I examined it, I bummped into something. But it wasn't something, it was something. I fell into the concrete ground. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! Are you ok?" a voice asked. "Yea I'm fine I ju-" I was interuppted. I looked up to see a green t-shirt that said "Tobuscus" on it, and dark brown curly locks of hair. I knew who it was. When I looked up, his eyes widened, and so did mine. "T-Toby?" I studdered. He nodded and asked,"A-Aria?" I got up from the ground, with tears in my eyes. I nodded and looked up at him. He looked at me, also with tears in his eyes. We hugged eachother, crying into eachothers shoulders. While we here hugging, he whispered four words that caught my attention, "I'm here for you!"

                            THE END

Omg! It's finished!!! I'm cried writing this chapter too! Guys I had so much fun writing this. Gosh, I'm crying just wrighting this message. I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did. I'm also excited about writing Corpse Party! Thing is, I am going to need to take a break for a week or two so I can refresh my memory fro the new fan fiction. Guys, I just can't believe its done. I feel proud of myself. I feel like I have the achieved something! Also please tell me how you guys liked the story, or how you didn't, and tell me if I need to do something better in my next fanfiction. alright this is the last of this fanfiction. "Maybe" there will be a sequal! Mwahahaha! *Taser-Five*

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