Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

It's almost 3 am and I am wide-awake watching movies. The boys are all in bed, so I thought. I felt the couch move and I jumped up to see Niall sitting down next to me. " Oh my god. Niall you scared the shit out me" he laughed. " It's not funny. I thought you where someone who was trying to sneak in or something." He laughed even harder. " Shh. God Niall you wil wake up the rest of them." " Lucy, Do you really think someone is going to sneak in here?" " Niall your in a famous boy band that millions of teenage girls love. Of course someone would try and sneak in here." " Lucy, Preston is outside. No one is coming in here." I sighed in relief. " Anyway if someone did come in here I could protect you." He said with a cheeky grin on his face. I rolled my eyes, " Oh sure Niall." I saw and kinda shove him playfully. He looked at me and I knew exactly what he was thinking. " Niall No!" I started screaming, It was to late he was on top of me tickling me, 

For the past couple mouths a have grown really found of Niall, and I think he likes spending a lot of time with me too. Whenever I am around him I get these butterflies and act really nervous and giggle at almost everything he says. I try not to do it in front of Harry cause he would catch on rather quickly. But Liam is with us a lot and he see's the way I am around him. I don't know how to handle this. I am 20 years old and i don't know how to tell my brother that I like one of his best friends. Shit. I promised Harry I wouldn't do this, He can't find out. I don't know what I would do if he found out I was having these feelings. He would freak out. But I can't help myself , look at him. His eyes. They make you just melt. Those blue eyes are so beautiful. His cute blonde hair. His adorable laugh. His Personality. The way his nose scrunches up when he laughs really hard. God. He is just amazing.

" NIALL!! STOP PLEASE!!" I half laugh half cry out. He finally stops when my eyes meet his. He leans forward. Oh my god is this really happening. He looks me strait in the eyes while leaning down slower. His lips look so soft and pink. After what feels like forever his lip finally meet mine. There are instant sparks. His lips are so soft on mine, they move perfectly together. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance which I give to him. My hands move around his neck as I playfully tug at the back of his blonde hair. He sits up from having me pinned down on the couch never breaking the kiss. I come up with him. He lifts me up and onto his lap. His hands move down to my lower back right above my bum. He hen moves them to my hips, holding me in place.

I have never been kissed like this. I mean my last relationship wasn't a bad relationship but it wasn't a healthy one ether. If you asked Harry it was a horrible relationship. The guy always had to know what was going on, who I was with , if any guys where with me, and if he didn't know them I had better be ready for a ear full. He texted and called me all the time. All day everyday. He was a very needy person and after a long time I got the courage to break up with him. Harry had to help me because I didn't want anything bad to happen. I went through a rough stage of listening to sappy sad songs , crying in my room and watching depressing movies. I cried so much one night I woke Harry up, He came into my room and crawled under to covers with me, holding me and letting me cry. He knew I didn't really want go break up with him. But it is what was best from me and for my ex. Harry and I where always close but after that happened we grew so much closer. Harry feels like he needs to protect me so I don't end up hurt again. He hated seeing me like that, I did too.

After what feels like a short few seconds because it felt so good and right, The kiss broke. He looked me in the eyes, rested his forehead on mine. " Wow." We both said at the same time. He still looking into my eyes leaned in and kissed me again. This time much shorter but it was still amazing. " Lucy?" he said staring into my eyes. " I. I like you." My heart leaped for joy. I smiled at him and bit my bottom lip. " I like you Niall." " God. Lucy don't do that." " What?" I am surprised by what he is saying. " Bit your bottom lip. It's so sexy." he said with his hands sliding from my hips to my legs down them and back to my hips. I slide my hands to his shoulders then to his chest. " You know we can't tell anyone. Right?" he looks at me with a little sadness in his eyes. " I know Lucy. I just don't want to have to hid it. and especially from my 8 best friends."  " You mean 6." We both jumped. Ashton and Michael walked out from be hide the door. " How long have you been standing there?" Niall says and I am in panic mode. " Oh from this." They both imitate us kissing and saying that we both like each other. " You guys have to keep this quit." I say to them. " Lucy, They won't tell anyone. I promise." Niall says to me placing his hand in the small of my back pulling me tour ds him. He looks at Michael and Ashton they both nod. " Lucy, trust us. We won't tell Harry or anyone." I sigh in relief. I just met these boys about six months ago but they feel like family and I trust them, So does Niall.

After Michael and Ashton went back to bed Niall and I stayed up talking. I told him about everything that happened with my ex. I told him that the reason I am here with them is because Harry didn't want me staying home by myself even though I am 20 and can take care of myself. I told him about my best friend Bailey and how she is in college back at home and how we miss each other like crazy. "Well I am tiered. It is know 5:30 and you have to get up around noon for sounds check. So we should probably get at least some sleep." We both agree and slowly walk back to our bunks. Niall's bunk is before mine, he climbs up onto it and i give him a peck on the cheek. " Goodnight Niall." I say in the sweetest way possible , i start to walk to my bunk when Niall's hand grabs my wrist and pulls me to him. " Please stay? We can talk more until we fall asleep." " Niall. What if one of them see's us? ' " We tell them the truth. We both couldn't sleep, We talked and then ended up falling asleep. Please Lucy." He looks at me and those eyes make me melt instantly. " Ok." God. I really hope the believe us when they wake up. After a little more talking we both fell asleep.

" What the hell." I wake up and Harry is right there. " Harry trust me. We both couldn't sleep. I crawled up here and sat up here we talked for a while and we ended up i guess falling asleep. Nothing happened." " She is telling the truth man. Nothing happened we just fell asleep." Harry was upset i knew he was. " Don't let it happen again. Ok? " ' Ok" we both say at the same time. Harry walks away and I sigh. Niall looks at me. " God. That was close." I look at him. " I know. But I blame you. Your the one who wouldn't let me go to my own bunk." i smiled at him. " Oh sure. Says the girl who was very cuddly last night." I blush. " You know it's really cute when you do that." He says. I place my hands over my face and blush more. He takes my hands and pulls them down. " I like it. Very cute" He give me a quick peck on the lips and I smile into it. " You know you can't keep doing that whenever you want. My brother could see us." I say to him. " I know. But I like kissing you." I blush yet again. " I like kissing you." I say to him and give him a playful shove. " Hey know. That shove is what got you a kiss in the first place." I laugh, and he kisses me again. " Ok enough kisses. someone could come back here." " Well then you better get up from here, cause i could kiss you again." I smile at the thought but I get up so none of the boys come back here. " Niall are you ready for sound check? " I both hear Liam yell from the front of the bus. " Yeah, I'm coming." he looks at me and gives me a wink. " Lucy. Are you coming?" Harry asks. " Not yet, I am going to shower and get dressed then I will be there." " Ok. We'll be the ones making music." I laugh. " I know. You noisy boys." Harry smile at me then walks out of the bus. I hear Niall say he forgot his phone then run back on the bus. I am picking up my clothes when I feel his hands around my waist. " One more kiss? " He asks me. I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek. He frowns, " That's not the kind of kiss I wanted" he said with a pouty face. I giggled and kissed him on the lips. He smiled into the kiss. " That's the one I wanted" he said. After that he kissed me once more and ran off the bus. This is going to be hard not telling anyone , not letting anyone know that we both have strong feelings for each other. Lets hope it all works out ok.

----Authors Note----

Hello loves<3

Don't forget to vote and comment!! I hope you enjoy it Niall Girls :))

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