Chapter 5

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Being on the road with the boys has been so much fun. These past couple mouths have been so hard , Niall and I have been sneaking around all the time and i think some people are suspecting. God i hope Harry isn't. I have always been so honest with him. I have never lied to him. He's my brother why would i lie to him? I feel so bad for it but it is kind of worth it, Being with Niall is amazing. He is the sweetest guy i have ever been with. I grow more in love with him everyday. It's weird that all of us were friends and know I'm secretly dating one of them. Hopfully it stays that way for i little while so i can figure out how i am going to tell Harry all of this and maybe he wont freak out.

" Luc? " i hear someone talking to me but i am still so tired. Niall and i stayed up so late last night. After everyone went to bed with them thinking we were asleep we got up and went out on the stage and talked looking up at all the stars and listened to music for hours. " Lucy? Wake up! " the voice was still soft but a little stern. " Lucy! Come on Love we need to get up." i fianlly turned over to see Harry right up next to my face. I jumped not expecting him to be so close to my face, he laughed. " Good you up. Let's get going we have a day off and we are going to do something." i groan. " Harry, I am so tierd can't this just wait a couple more hours? " he smiled. " No Luc. We need to leave now if you want your surprise.". I look up at him trying to think of what this surprise is, " Harry? What did you do? " He just smiled and walked out the door. " You have ten minutes or I'm leaving without you." I groan roll out of bed and slip on my black skinny jeans and a cream jumper that hangs off the shoulder with a heart of it that says Amour. Harry bought it for me when they where in paris. I ran out of the bus and nearly tackeled Ashton from running so hard from being in the back of the bus. He catches me " Whoa Lucy. Why in such a rush? Oh and i don't think Niall would like you throughing yourself at me." I rolled my eyes and shoved him , he laughes. " Haha very funny Ash. Seriously i need to go know or Harry is going to leave. " he moves his arm from the door way and i run out of the bus.

I jump into the passanger seat of the range rover and Harry starts driving. " So what exactly are we doing/ " he looks over at me with a strange smile. " Its a surprise.". " Harold you know i hate surprises.". I only call him Harold when i'm upset with him or am trying to get his attenchin. " Oh so your mad at me that i have a surprise for you? Fine i'll just turn around and tell your surprise they will just have to get on another long flight and go home." I started thinking, Who would he have flied over here. Then it clicked. " Oh my god! " I screamed and he knew i figured it out. " Harry you did not buy Bay a ticket to come out here?" He smiled " Maybe i did Maybe i didn't". We pulled into the airport and i was so excited to see her, I ran over to Harry and gave him a big hug. " You have no idea how happy i am right know. Thank you H."

We walked into the airport waiting for her to get off her plain when Harry pointed to the right. I jumped up out of my seat and we both ran to each other screaming. We hugged each other for what felt like seconds but was about five minutes. I hadn't seen Bailey in mouths with being on tour with the boys and Harry. Harry came over and tried butting in i wouldn't let him so he just rapped his arms around both of us. Bailey was like a sister to Harry. Her and i had been friends sence we where little kids and to Harry she became like a sister. " H. Seriuosly you need to lay off on the working out your killing me. I can't breathe." He laughed at Baileys comment and let up on the tight hug. " Oh my gosh you weren't supose to be here for another couple weeks." I was so happy she was her. " Well Harry called me and we talked and found a time to were i could come alot earlier and stay longer." I screamed. " Is everyone ok with this Harry? Did you clear this with Paul? and the boys? " " Calm down Luc. Yes i cleared it with everyone. Paul is fine with it and the boys are excited to meet Bay because you talk about her alot.". Bay and I smiled at the thought of the boys. Bay know about Niall but hasn't met him yet o this is going to be intresting.

We put her bag in the car and start on the road again. I notice Harry start going a different way back to the arena. " Um Harry this isn't the way back the the area. " " I know Luc. We are going to meet the boys at Nandos of some lunch." I could hear Bay in the back so excited. " Hmmm Nandos. I have been having withdraws from that place. You know it's my favorite place to eat here." " I know Bay that's why i'm driving there." She laughs and leans up and kisses Harry on the cheek. " H your the best ever. ". It doesn't even fase Harry that she kisses him on the cheek we both have done that ever sense i could remeber. All three of us are just so close , she is just part of the family.

We finally get to Nandos and Bay practically jumps out of the car. She loses her balence and trips. Harry and I just start laughing. " Hey you two know how much I like my Nandos.". We all walk inside and all the boys are already there. There is no one else in the place but us. " Ok seriously why is there no one else in here? " " Um we are kinda big deal Bay." Harry says in the most sarcastic tone ever. " Oh right right. Your in that boy band." She says just as sarcastic back to him. We walk over to the table and i intrduce her to all the boys. There is a empty seat by Niall and I walk over and take it. She looks at me and winks i just smile and giggle. She automaticly knows that it's him. She sits down inbetween Harry and Luke. We all order and wait for our food to come. " So Bailey, do you have any dirt on Luc or Harry? " Of course Michael was the first the ask that. " Well i do infact but I feel like if i tell you I might not be getting a ride back to the area and will have to walk back, I dont really feel like walking so i'll tell you later " I laugh but Harry buts in " The hell you'll tell him Bay those are secrets between us three." i am still craking up laughing " Oh you mean like the time we played truth or dare. Luc and I dared you to run around the neighborhood in your underwear and you got caught by the cops and bolted back to the tree house. Are you talking about that story? " Harry's face was so red. Everyone was laughing. " I am going to get you so good for that B" " Oh H. You always try but never sucseed ." We are all still laughing. " Oh my god Harry did you seriously do that?" Michael asks and Harry nods his head and they laugh even harder. After talking a while longer we got our food and eat then head back to the area.

It's about three hours till the show and the fans have been screaming all day. " Is it always like this? " Bay asks. " Always and sometimes we get the crazy ones who sneek backstage." Liam says. " Oh wow. Thats insaine. These girls will do anything to meet there idols." " Yes, they will" he said with a little chuckle in there. After being in the dressing room with the boys for a hour and a half i look at my phone. " Oh my god! Bay we have to go get ready." Niall looks at us weird. " Why? What you girls are wearing is fine." " Yes. Niall it is but we are girls and always have to look good." I say then take Bays hand and lead her off. " You don't get it man you never had a sister." Louis says to him and he just laughs.

Me and Bay are in the bus getting ready in the back when the door opens. She is fully dressed and I am still in my jeans but i took my jumper off so i woundn't get make-up all over it and in walks Niall. I am still doing my make-up when I feel his arms wrap around my waist and then i feel his lips on the back of my neck. " Um not wearing a shirt here." I say and look at him. " I am perfectly ok with that." He smiles at me. " Oh my god just because i know about this doesnt mean you can kiss her all you want in front of me." Bay say as Niall is still holding onto my waist. " Um yes it does." I say to her and she laughs. I turn around and kiss his lips. " I still need to get ready. What are you doing in here anyway Ni? " He smiles " I just wanted to give you a kiss before we go on stage and i can't do that in front of Harry so i thought i would sneak onto the buss before you both come out." I laugh. "Well that was sweet of you." I kissed him again with my arms wrapped around his neck and his arms around my waist. " Ok Ok you two thats enough. Niall she still needs to get ready for this concert." " Ok fine I'll leave so she can get dressed." " Thank you Ni." I say in the cutest way possiable and kiss his cheek. He leave the bus and i go back to putting my make-up on. " You two are really good at hiding this from H." " You are telling me." i say right back to her. " You know he will find out one of these days soon." My face went blank. " I know thats what scares me the most Bay." I look at myself in the mirror and I'm finished with the make-up. I go to the back and get a black dress. Why did i want to where a dress becaus i just wanted to dress up tonight and i knew Niall would like it. " Ok i'm ready" I walk back to the front and Bay looks at me " Ow! OW! Watch out Boys we've got ourselves a hottie out tonight." I rolled my eyes and we walked off the bus. I leaned over to Bay " Lets party!" she agreed and we both started laughing and yelling " Party Party Party Party!!!!"

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