Chapter 2

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The concert just started and like always they are killing it. I didn't know the boys who opened for them Harry never told me about them, But wow they were really good. They seem really nice too. I was singing and dancing a little to Midnight Memories when someone came up behind me. " Hi. So your Harry's sister Lucy ? " I jump " Oh I am sorry I scared you. I'm Ashton " he puts his hand on my shoulder. " No, your fine " still a little off from him scaring me. Harry must have seen me jump and squeal cause he looked over but then just started laughing. Typical he always thinks it is funny when someone scares me. I flipped him off and the nice guy knew I must have been his sister. " So you are Harry's Sister!? " he half asks and half states. " Yeah, I'm Lucy. but you.." Then 3 other guys walk up. How many guys are on this tour ? am I the only girl ? jesus. " Hey Ash. Who's this? Oh wait you are Lucy right? Harry's twin sister? " this guys with a tint of purple hair says to me. " Yeah. Who are you?" they all laugh. " Leave it to Harry not to tell his sister everyone's names." Ashton says looking to the three other boys in front of me. " Lucy this is Calum , Luke and Michael. " they smile and wavy. " So Lucy..." I interrupt Michael   " Oh please don't call me Lucy. Call me Luc." " Ok. So Luc how do you think we did out there? " I laugh and he looks at me " That bad huh? " " No. No . you guys did amazing. I loved it! Your really good." he looks at me with a smile on his face. " Thanks" I never noticed his accent until now. We all kept talking for a while when I felt a sweaty arm come around my neck. " So what are you guys up to? " It's Harry. " Ew. Go shower! my god you smell so bad." I almost gag with how gross he smells. " Oh what you like how I smell? He throughs his shirt at me and I scream and run right into Niall and we smack and fall to the floor. " Why hello Luc." Niall says looking at me. I am laying on top of him when I hear Harry. " Jesus! What is with you today? First the suit case , then the same hand again and now you falling on Niall."  " Well I guess she just loves him." Lou says. " What?" all of us say it at the same time. " No!" Me, Niall and Harry say at the same time. At this point I am still on the floor with Niall underneath me. " Then why hasn't she gotten up? " Lou really need to shut the fuck up. He is just making Harry mad and I really don't want to have to be in the same bus as mad Harry. I finally get up. " See I am fine." I say to them dusting off my jeans. " You said that the last two times." I give him a glair. " Well I am fine. Seriously. I am not hurt." We all walk back to the dressing rooms and I wait outside for the boys.

After a hour and a half The door opens and I take that as a I can come in. I walk in and Liam is in a towel. " Oh god. I am sorry. Zayn left the door open and I thought. I um . Yeah. I'm leaving " I say in a hurry out of the room. I bump into someone. " Hey, man you really are on a roll today. " it's Niall he helps me get my balance and then lets go of my arms. " Yeah, I guess I am. Have you seen Harry? I can't find him anywhere?" he looks confused at me " Isn't he in there?" pointing to the room I just ran out of. " No! Liam is in there getting dressed " he laughs " Oh my god. Is that why you ran out of there ? Did you see Liam naked or something? " he is still laughing. " Yes! Well in a towel but close enough." Niall is almost rolling on the floor in laughter. " it's not funny." I say to him in a very serious face. " Yes. Yes it is !!" I can barley can tell what he said he is laughing so hard. After Niall is done laughing at me he helps me find Harry. " Where were you? " I ask him. " Taking a shower. remember I smelled bad." I chuckle. "Good cause I am not sleeping in the same bus with you smelling like that." " Well it might smell there are 8 other guys on the bus." Niall says " What?" I pretty much yell at them. " I forgot they got us one huge bus because all of us got along so well the last tour." Harry says. Great I know have to be in the same bus with 9 guys including my brother. This is going to be interesting.

As we get into the bus everyone is already on it except Liam. This is going to be so awkward. I walk in first and Ashton and Niall are in just a pair of sweatpants. The rest of the boys are in shorts and those shirts that have the sides cut out of them. They might as well be shirtless really. My face is red and Harry lets out s chuckle. " Umm. I am going to the back to change." I hurry off and I over here them when I am changing into my shorts and one of Harry's t shirts. I like the fact they are bigger and very comfortable. But anyways i can still here them and they are talking about me. Harry almost yells at them cause they aren't wearing shirts. Zayn defends them and says " It's not like she hasn't seen us shirtless before Styles." It's true, The boys are over all the time. That's why it is so weird Harry had me make him that promise not to fall for one of them. I know them. why would i fall for them? I don't know. I walk out from the back and take a seat on the couch. The guys are playing video games like always. They come over and have tournaments when they have breaks. " Is it cool with you guys if i put a movie on ? " I saw to all of them. " Yeah , that's fine" Zayn say's it seems like all the others are so into the game they could careless. I put in the movie Beastly thinking a chick flick would annoy them but it was the opposite. The movie starts and they all look over at the screen. " Really ? You put this on? " Michael said to me. " Yeah it's a good movie" He rolls his eyes and just goes back to the game. Niall and Luke looked at the screen and said " Oh is this Beastly? " " Yeah. How did you know?" " I love this movie." i must have had a weird look on my face or something because they said it again. " Do you mind if we watch it with you?" " Um. Sure" I scoot over and Niall plops down right beside me to where I fall a little into him. Harry looks at me and i just move back to where i was and Luke sits in the chair. " Wait who is that? " Luke says. " I thought you said you have seen this movie and love it ? " " Haven't seen it all the way through but i have seen bits and pieces. But that girl is hot so I am watching it." i roll my eyes at him and focus on the movie. It finally ends and i am all smiley and happy of course the ending is perfect. He finds someone to love him and so the curse is broken. " Well i am going to bed." I jump from the couch and head to the back. ' Night Luc!!" Niall and Luke say. They are the only two still up. After Liam got on the bus he joined the boys with video games it was a little weird at first but it finally wasn't. They all must have gone to bed in the middle of the movie cause they are all out like lights. I get to the back and getting my bed ready when i hear Harry talk to me. " So how was your movie? " " God Harry! You scared me." " What is with you and being all jumpy today?" " I don't know ." I sit down on his bunk and he scoots over so I can lay down. " So how did you like the show?" " It was great like usually." I say and he smiles. " So was your movie good? " " Harry, you have watched that movie with me hundreds of times , you know it is good." " Yeah, It is pretty good." " Good? Harry you love that movie." " Ok. Ok i love the movie. It's only because i hardly get to pick. When ever we have family movie night you and Mum always pick. And when Gems home she helps. You three always pick chick flicks. " " Yeah they are the best Harry." We talked for a while longer and then decided to facetime Gem to see how she was. After a awhile talking a fell asleep in the bunk.

It's morning now and I am still in the bunk surprisingly. These bunks are small and Harry tosses and turns when he sleeps. I get out of the bunk and walk to the front of the bus. None of the boys are up. So i decide to make them all breakfast. I know crazy! There are 9 boys on this bus that's a lot of food. I make Pancakes , Bacon and Eggs. Before i know it Niall is walking towards me. " You smelled the food didn't you? I should have known you would be the first to wake up." he is still sleepy i can tell he smiles and sits in the chair. After a couple minutes all of them are up from the smell of food in this bus. Niall keeps stealing pieces of bacon from the plait on the table. And i keep giving him dirty looks, it is all finally done and we all sit down and start to eat. " Luc!! this is SO GOOD!!" Is all i keep hearing from there full mouths. I laugh and say thanks to all of them. " Ok , i cooked you boys get to clean it up." " Oh no no no! I am not cleaning this up."  hear from them. " Ok , i will clean it when i get out of the shower." i get up and go to get my clothes so i can shower. I have pancake batter in my hair. How did that get in there? i have no idea. gross.

After i get out of the shower i go to the front of the bus to clean up the mess i made and when I get up there it is all cleaned up. " Who did this? " I ask Liam surprised by the action. " Me and Niall. We did it as a thank you for making is that great breakfast." i smile at them both. " Thank you. That's really sweet of you two. ". I sit next to Liam on the couch " SO what do we today? " I say looking at him. " Well we are about to get on the road so we can  get to our show we have tomorrow. So we are on the bus all day." " Yeah, We watch movies , play video games , goof off. You know " Niall says to me. " Ok i am up for movies." Harry buts in the conversation. " That means we aren't watching love movie all day Luc. We watch all different kinds." i roll me eyes " Well i didn't expect you guys to watch or even like love movies ." " Actually, We do like them." Liam says to me. " Oh really? Whats your favorite? " I am kinda excited about this. " Well how about we watch our favorite ones?" Zayn says. " That's fine with me. I am up for a good cry." i tell them all. " Ok Liam you pick yours first." zayn tells him. Liam gets off the couch and picks Toy Story. " Liam Toy Story isn't a love movie." I tell him " Fine , We will watch Remember Me" " You like Remember Me? " " Yeah, My sisters watch it all the time" " Ok. I really like this movie but it makes me cry like a baby. " " It's ok Luc! If you need a shoulder to cry on you have 9 guys to pick from." Liam says gesturing to all of them. I can tell this tour is going to be fun with all of them. A handful being with 9 boys but it is going to be fun!!

Authors Note!!!

( Hey everybody :) I hope you like this so far! Please comment and tell me what you like about it and if it is missing something. Comment ,Vote and Share with your friends :)) Love you guys:))

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