Chapter 4

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It's been a couple mounths sence Niall and i kissed. We have been sneacking around going on little dates , and haning out as much as possablie with out telling anyone. The only people who really know are Ashton and Michael and that's because they saw us kissing each other.

" I don't care what people say we'll be together " I sway and sing along with the songs i know and love. " You know i wanna be the one to hold you when you sleep, I just want it to be you and i forever. i know you wanna leave..." And then i look over and see Niall stairing at me singing " Baby , Be with me So happily." He smiles after and winks at me. I smile back and give a little wave.

" You know Lucy he really likes you. " I jump. " Jesus. Ashton. God, warn a girl before you scare her." He laughs. " Serisouly Lucy, He likes you. A LOT!" i smile. " I know Ash. And you know that i like him A LOT too. " " I know you do. " He smiles at me. " Your good for him." At that my phone rings , I look down at the screen. Bailey? Oh my god!!! I answer it by the third ring. " Bay!! Oh my god.How are you ? " i am so excited. I haven't gotten to talk to Bay in what feels like mounths cause both of us are just so busy. Her at college and then iam with the boys constantly going and going. " Luc! God i haven't heard that voice in forever! I am pretty good. Would be so much better if i saw you, But anyway How are you ? Hows that boy? " I laugh. I text with Bailey alot and told everything that is going on with me and Niall. She loves talking about boys. Whenever we where together we talked about them the most. " You know his name Bay. And things are going great, But we can't talk about this alot Harry doesn't know. " she laughs " Harry doesn't know what? " i turn around and Harry is right behind me. " Um. That Bailey wants to come on the road and visit.?" i half say and half ask. I hear Bailey cough and say " What? Luc! Seriosuly ? I can't do that. " Harry lets out a heave sigh. " Let me go talk to Paul. It should be ok. " i sigh it releif he didn't hear the other part of mine and Baileys conversation. " To late Bay, You might be coming to visit us soon." I saw Harry talking to Paul and then after a short while he walked back over to me. " It took a little convincing but he said yes." i sqealed and hugged Harry. " Oh my god! Harry, Best brother ever." He laughs and walks away. " Bay. To late you are already coming." She finaly agrees and then we hang up after a hour more of talking.

I started walking back to the bus when i felt a hand grab my arm and pull me behide and under the stage. " Niall. What the hell." I laughed as i said it. He said nothing back to me just staired into my eyes for a while. " Your going to kiss me aren't you?" I said smiling and he looked at me bring his lips closer and closer to mine. His lips finaly met mine. It was slow but with so much passion in it. Our lips moved in perfect sync together. He pulled away and put his forhead agenst mine. " Lucy. Baby. I.. I think I love you." I gasped at his words, but then looked at him with the biggest smile on my face. " Niall. Baby , I.. I love you." he smiled at me and kissed me again.

 I told my last boyfriend i loved him but this time it is different. What i had with him isn't like what i have with Niall. I did love him but never like this. It was so different with Niall. I want to spend all day everyday with this boy. I want him to hold my hand and never let go. i want him to hold me and kiss me whenever he wants. The only thing is, This can't happen unitl we tell Harry about us. Which is something i am so tarified to do.

Niall and I are walking back to the bus hand in hand because no one is around. We get there and i frown. He chuckles and looks at me. " I love you Luc." I hug him. And he holds me so tight " I love you Ni." I say into his chest. He kisses the top of my head and we go into the bus. " Where have you two been? " Liam asks. " Oh we just went on a walk around the stadium. " Niall said sitting on the couch where i could sit next to him. " Well we are just about to start a movie. " Liam said " So you guys are just in time. " " What movie? " I ask sitting as close as i can to Niall without anyone noticeing. Zayn walks out from the back of the bus with a movie in his hands and holds it up , " We are watching The Dark Night Rises" I giggle. " Yes! i love that movie." Liam says. Niall nods and Zayn put the movie in. " Where are Louis and Harry? " i ask them. " Oh Them and The other guys went out the a night club." i nod my head. ' So when do you think they will be back? " I ask Liam. " Probably really early in the morning. Maybe around 4 or 5, give or take a hour." I nod my head.

The movie is almost over and it is about midnight. Zayn and Liam looks like there are about to pass out where they are sitting and Niall is holding my hand but it is covered by the blancket i have on me. After the movie is over Zayn stands up " I am going to go the bed. I am so out of it." He said while walking back to his bunk. Liam follows him shortly after. ' Night Luc, Night Nial." He says and dissaers to the back of the bus. " Goodnight Liam and Zayn. " I shout . Niall looks at me " What ? " he smiles and tackles me to the couch. " Ahh! Niall!! " I squeal. He covers my mouth with his hands. " Shh Babe, You will wake them up." he says and places a kiss on my lips. " You know, I think your the one who is going to get us caught by Harry. " I saw with a sarcastic look on my face while crossing my arms. ' At least when he finds out we won't have to hide it." He kisses my cheek. " I know Ni. It's just i promised him and i always keep my promises." He laughs . " What? " ' Well i hate to break it to you love but if you promised Harry that you wouldn't fall for any of us then you broke thaty promise when you fell for me. " I just lay there. " You know i am right Luc." He says smiling at me. I roll my eyes " yeah i guess you are right Ni." i said a with sadness in my voice. " Are you ok Luc?" He asks me. " I didn't want to break my promise to him Niall. I have never lied to Harry before." I cried knowing how much it will hurt Harry knowing that i am lying to him. " Baby, It's ok. We will work it out with him when we tell him." He holds me as i cry. One arm around me and the other brushing my hair. " I promise Luc. it will all work out." he says while lifting my face he places a kiss on my lips . " God , I hope it does Ni. If not i might cry even harder. " " Oh please love don't cry. I hate seeing you hurt like this." He pulls me closer to him. " I love you Luc!" He says into my ear then kisses me. " I love you Ni!" i say after he pulls away from our kiss.

I love this boy. I really do. I just hope the everthing works out with telliing Harry. If not i don't know what i will do. But as i think to myself laying in Nialls arms maybe Harry will be ok with this. He might not like it at first but i think he will come around to this, Me and Niall dating. Maybe. Won't he ?


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