Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV---

Today is the day!!! I have been counting down the days. I couldn't be anymore excited to go on tour with Harry and the guys. All of the boys are like family. I don't know why Harry thinks I will fall for one of them? He keeps telling me that since I will be with them 24/7 and get to know them a lot more then I already do he could see it happening. " Luc. Are you ready yet ? " I hear Harry's voice scream down the hall. I am in my room finishing packing. " Yeah , Just I minute Harry" I yell back. " Hurry up! You have been taking over a hour. I told you to pack last night" I can tell by his voice he is getting very antsy and Louis should be here any minute to pick us up. " SHIT" I scream! Harry comes running into my room. " What's wrong? Are You ok ?" " I'm fine Harry" He looks at my hand and see's that I am not clearly fine. My hand it bleeding cause I shut it in my suitcase. " Jesus, Luc look at your hand your not fine. Let me clean it for you!? " He half asks me but half insists. " Fine. But It's not that bad. Just a scratch." I saw as we walk to the bathroom across the hall of the house. " OUCH!! GOD THAT FUCKING BURNS" I scream as Harry pour rubbing alcohol on my scratch. "Scratch my ass Luc. That's a good cut on your hand" he half says and chuckles at me. 

As Harry's raps my hand we hear the front door open. " Harry ?? Luc? Where are you guys?" Louis yells. " In the Bathroom" Harry yells back. We here him running up the stairs and then Louis is standing in the door way. " HOLY SHIT!! Lucy. What the hell did you do to your hand?" His voice was worried. Louis is Harry's Best Friend and was over here all the time. He is practically my brother as well. He only calls me Lucy when something happens to me or he needs to get my attention and it's the same with me. I always have called Louis " Lou", I only called him Louis if I was mad at him or he wasn't paying any attention.

"God. It is not that bad Lou!" I flinch as Harry is still wrapping up by hand. " Oh sure Luc! What the hell happened anyway?" He asks for the second time. " Well She was packing and shut her hand inside her suitcase." Louis cringes as Harry tells him this. "Not one of her smartest moments."  Harry chuckles. " Well then we must keep a better eye on you when your with us on tour then." He winks and smiles. I roll my eyes. " Your annoying " I saw to Louis. He laughs " Well so are you" . Harry is laughing " Ok, It looks better know. Are you finished packing ? " I look at my wrapped up hand and forget that Harry just asked me a question. " Hello ?! Earth to Luc?" Harry wave's his hand in front of my face and I laugh. " Yeah, That's how this happened. I was finished and shutting my suit case." He smiles at me. " Finally, you where working on that forever. Louis can you go shut her suitcase and bring in down stairs for me? So I can help her." Lou give me a mischievous smile I give him the same one back. " Yeah, I guess I can do that." I smile and stand up losing my balance and almost fall over when Harry catches me. " Man, We really do need to keep a eye on you while on tour." Harry says. I laugh and walk out of the bathroom with Harry holding me up. I am dizzy know from my almost fall. " Can you grab my phone and my ear buds as well in my bedroom Lou?" He groans. " I guess I can get those for you" I smile at him and give him a little kiss on the check. He smiles and asks " Hey Where are they? " I say to him as I walk down the hall with Harry's arm around my waist so I can stand. " Phone is on my night side table and the ear buds are in the top drawer of my night stand as well." I give him a smile and he walks in my room.

Me and Harry are wait downstairs then we here Lou. I see him come around the corner and I  bust out in laughter. "Oh come on Lou. It is not that heavy." he looks at me " Oh sure" He huffs out almost breathless. " I already have all the other bags in the car." Harry's says and takes the bag from Lou's hands. " I brought you your purse to. It in the chair next to the door I figured you would need it." Lou says and hands me the purse. " Oh my god! Thank You! I almost forgot!!" I sigh in relief. " Well is everybody ready to go? " Harry asks both of us when he walks back inside the house. " Yes" Me and Lou say at the same time. I have the biggest smile on my face. I couldn't be anymore excited to go on the road with them. Harry's know how much I love to travel and There are so many places that are lined up. This tour is there biggest one yet. I get to go places I have never been before. I am excited but scared at the same time. Harry keep reminding me that it will be different from all the other times I have came to see him on the road. He said never leave them with out someone with me. God it's like he thinks I can't take care of myself. I am 20 years old for Christ sack.

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