Chapter 8: Who's the loser now?

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"Alice is a very special child" mum started explaining again "-a bit different though. I know you both have many questions in mind, after Arthur's visit, but they would have to wait. Because some answers even I don't know and some I don't want to answer yet." she had a concentrated look on her face the one look which I have while solving a trigonometry problem.

"You both need to be very careful with Alice" why? Is she a serial killer?

"She has to be treated like a child while she's here," she then looked at Alice "She is either ignoring us purposefully right now or she has no care in the world as to what we're saying it simply doesn't matter to her."

Well I agree with the former one, she then continued "Another thing you both need to keep in mind is to never touch her. NEVER" She emphasized quite an awful lot on that.

"The consequences won't be good. She hates being touched and instantly flinches away." I stopped mum with my hand and open my mouth to tell her 'how wrong she is' and I did that last nig-, but once again couldn't say anything.

I mean how I could just tell her 'hey mum, so I made Alice cry last night while I comfortably slept on her bed and....' No, we all know how that would turn out. So I thought better to just stay mum and let the show move forward.

I muttered a simple "Nothing" and both mum and Liz raised their eyebrows at my weird behavior and then shared a look with each other.

Sure guys I am the weird one. Please go and bond at my expense, but remember I am not the weird one anymore. Alice has officially out done me.

I turned on my right side to glare at Alice. I couldn't somehow bring myself to believe even a single word of what mum was saying. How could I, when I have seen her do the exact opposite of everything right in front of my eyes.

She spoke to me, not once but twice, check.

I touched her and she didn't flinch, check.

I got her to stop crying that too without a chocolate, check.

I don't know what that means, but I have a strong feeling that something is not right, like maybe she is pretending all of this.

But then again comes the big question, 'why is she pretending?'

"So... you're indirectly telling us that she is mad." Liz said, and mum choked on her orange juice, spluttered it all over the table and started coughing.

Alice, I and Liz we all backed away from the table. Liz has officially gone mad.

*dramatic Sigh*

*Shaking head*

"Have YOU gone mad?!" were the first words which came out of mums Mouth once she finally calmed down.

"Um No, But Alice definitely has." she said nodding her head very fast, trying to convince mum, mum looked at her with wide eyes and opened her mouth to say something probably scold her but before she could Liz started speaking again.

"Just think logically Mom, she doesn't speak, hates being touched thinks she is 11 years old, and is addicted to chocolate. Have you seen the way she doesn't show any kind of reaction do anything, never shows emotions and always has the same damn creepy look on her face, she even had the same look on her face while crying. Also did you not see the way she rotates those Marbles of hers, she is mad mom, I'm telling you!!" mum was frowning when Liz finished speaking and it looked like she was affected by all what Liz said.

"She smiled at me...' I muttered very lowly with a sigh, because what was the point not like they were going to believe. Both of them heard me anyway though, and looked at me.

"What?!" Liz Exclaimed.

"Believe it or not but she did smile yesterday and not just smile, she even scowled at me when I was annoying her, and not to forget the disgusted expression she had on her face after seeing my room." I told them with a serious face, and waited cautiously for their reply.

"Yeah, right!" Liz said, and I looked at her with the most annoying angry and frustrated look of the year.

And then started banging my head on the table...

Why *BANG*

Won't *BANG*

They *BANG*

Believe *BANG*


Arghh *CHUCK*



Wait a second... *CHUCK*

Since when did this table become this soft?? *CHUCK*

And where did the voice of banging my head go...? *CHUCK*

I stopped the stupid banging and look that the spot on the table, where my head was hitting. Alice's hand had replaced the table and my head was repeatedly hitting her hand instead of the table from past 10 seconds.

I looked away from her hand towards her, few spots of chocolate were on her chin and some around her lips, she blinked her dark blue eyes and then shook her head at me her famous style of telling 'No'.

She was asking me to stop banging my head, signaling me I mean, at least I hope that's what she meant.

I sighed heavily and rested my head on her hand which was still on the table and said in a sad tired voice "They won't believe me-" she didn't reply but kept looking at me "-but you know I am a good boy, Right?" I asked her in a thoughtful voice.

And this time she nodded her head and that too very fast.

I smiled at her in reply and then raised my head from her hand, she removed it from the table and brought it back in her lap.

I looked at mum and Liz, their faces were the exact definition of shock. Mouth hanging open, eyes bulging out of their sockets and a big exclamation sign hanging on their head, exactly what I expected. I was smirking, and right now I wanted to point my fingers at them and say loudly 'take it you losers'.

My amusement went to another level when I Saw Liz opening and closing her mouth like a Goldfish.

"Impossible!" Mum said, eyes still wide open. Liz also started nodding her head agreeing with mum.

I shrugged at mum still smirking and then stood up from the table and looked at Liz with the most serious look I could muster up and said "Trust me, She isn't mad!!"

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