Chapter 9: The mom Intervention.

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Jace's POV

It was a long day, I was sitting at my study table working on some chemistry homework in the guest room which was my room just a day before.

Alice was sleeping on the bed, covered almost from head to toe in covers, some of her extremely long hair touching the floor.

Mom was oddly okay with me hanging out in Alice's room, probably what happened during the breakfast had something to do with it. She had allowed me to stay in the guest room till she got the air conditioning fixed.

For sleeping arrangements she said we can use makeshift bed either in Liz's room or in Alice's room, that is only if Alice was okay with it. As much as I hated this arrangement, it beat the hell out of sleeping on the couch; also I was hoping to convince Alice to let me camp in her room; she obviously seemed like a better roommate option compared to Liz.

She was quiet, kept to herself and unlike Liz, hopefully, she won't be on the phone chitchatting all the day with her friends.

It was around 3 pm when mom knocked on the door and came inside.

"She is still Sleeping?" Mom asked in a low voice while looking at Alice on the bed.

I just shrugged in response.

"Maybe I should wake her up, it's been four hours." Mom said while moving towards the bed.

"No, wait. Let her sleep a couple more hours." I said turning completely towards the bed.

Mom raised her Eyebrows quizzically at me.

"She had a rough night, I don't think she slept last night," I replied as mom moved away from the bed.

"And you know that how?" She asked narrowing her eyes slightly.

Oh shit!!

"Umm... I could hear her downstairs, she was moving around the room a lot and crying I think." I replied, lying to her. If Alice was crying there was no way you could hear it unless you were in the same room as her and heard her sniffing. Like me.

Lucky for me Mom didn't know that.

"Oh, poor baby..." Mom said turning to look at Alice in the bed. "I can't even imagine how hard all this must be for her."

"Jace..." I was still looking at Alice's silhouette with a pained expression in my eyes when mom called out to me. I looked at her and she had a wary look in her eyes.

"Jace, I have been thinking about what happened at breakfast today and I don't know what to believe anymore, once you left I went to keep my dishes in the sink and Alice Moved away from the Sink at lightning fast speed as though I was about to attack her but at the same time she looked almost comfortable around you." Mom said sounding exasperated.

"I don't know Mother, honestly I am just as confused as you. I don't know what to say." I replied shaking my head.

Mom looked at me for a moment and then nodded. "Jace, Can I ask you for a favor?"

I looked at her in surprise, alright this is new, and since when do people need my help.

I simply shrugged at her in reply.

"Alice is starting school tomorrow, she will be joining you in your class. Please promise me that you'll be nice to her and take care of her. Please." She said stressing on the 'please'.

"I don't know mom, you are asking a lot of me." I replied.

"I know that, but you have to know that she is incredibly important to me." Mom replied moving her hands animatedly trying her best to convince me-"you know I have never asked anything from you before and I wouldn't have even know if I had any other option.

Yes, I was very aware of her never asking for my help. In fact anybody's help. She wanted to carry the weight of the whole world on just her shoulders.

"But why is she important to you?" I asked trying to get more information about Alice.

"I can't tell you that Jace, you'll have to just trust me." She replied looking away.

"I will have to trust you like all the times you trusted me?" I retorted sarcastically, my anger evident now. "Don't expect me to help you ma if you are not willing to trust me even now."

I saw her resolute falter as she sighed and looked at me, "Fine, I will tell you, but you can't tell anyone, not even Liz, not even Alice. This stays between you and me; also you'll have to promise me that you'll take care of her in school."

"I promise, now tell me," I replied nodding in understanding asking her to go on.

"Alice is..." Mom cleared her throat and started again, "Alice is my Goddaughter." She inhaled a deep breath willing her tears to stay in her eyes.

"What...but how?" I asked dumbfounded, who were her parents, how did they know MOM. What was happening?

"Jace," Mom called me, putting a finger on her lips, asking me to lower my voice.

I sat down still in shock and looked at Alice sleeping soundly in bed. Who is this girl? Somebody we met for the first time yesterday and my mother happens to be her God Parent.

"No more questions Jace. Just remember what you promised me. Okay?" ma asked looking at me sternly as in pleading me with her eyes to let it go.

I simply nodded in reply. Satisfied with my response she sighed and left the room.

Once she left the room I got up and moved towards the bed to make sure that Alice was still sleeping and had not heard anything. The covers were covering her face, there was no sound whatsoever just a periodic rise and fall of sheets indicated that she was indeed sleeping.

I moved the covers very softly away from her face and in the process, my fingers lightly brushed her cheek, on instinct I moved my hand away and looked cautiously at her to make sure I didn't wake her up, she just whimpered and curled up into an even smaller ball on the bed.

I don't think she is Eleven years old, but at this moment she sure looked like it.

I picked up her hair which was touching the floor and placed them on the pillow above the covers.

I turned away from the bed and picked my wallet up from the desk and moved out of the room, closing the door behind me, I really needed some fresh air and to get away from this place ASAP.

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