Chapter-6 Skittles

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If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary-wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

-Alice in the Wonderland.

Chapter-6 Skittles

"What is this in your Bowl?" I asked Alice, I was sitting beside her at the kitchen counter, Liz was sitting opposite to Alice and mom at the head.

"Those are skittles," Liz replied instead of Alice, while she kept on staring at the floating skittles in the bowl filled with milk.

I looked at mom with an unbelieving look, she would let her eat skittles in milk and that too in the very morning.

"What! Don't look at me like that Jace, she won't eat anything else!" Mom said defending herself; she did understand my offending look after all.

I shook my head at her in a disapproving way and continued eating my pancakes while Liz was still looking at Alice's bowl strangely and hasn't even touched her own bowl of cornflakes.

After 2 seconds something clicked in my brain, and I straight away shooted my question at mom "What's the matter with Alice?" Mom tensed and even Liz looked at mom waiting for her to answer.

"Nothing! Why?" Mom answered nervously, trying to use her normal voice.

I rolled my eyes and was just about to question her again when Liz stopped me with her hand and said to Mum "Seriously Mum, Do you think we are fools?" I raised an eyebrow in surprise and then looked back at mom.

She looked nervous and she was hesitating in saying anything. But Why? She was opening and closing her mouth trying to find words while at the same time she was keeping a cautious eye on Alice.

I and Liz exchanged puzzled looks and then looked back at mom, she was gulping down her orange juice at an alarming rate. Well... What the actual fuck.

After finishing her glass she sighed and then cleared her throat.

"Alice sweetie, how old are you?" mom asked Alice instead of answering us, and Alice who was busy eating and skillfully ignoring us all, acting as if no one is in the room, now looked up and held both of her middle fingers together.

"1 and 1?" Liz asked and Alice nodded and then Liz continued "2." At this, Alice shook her head in a way of saying 'No'.

"Uh.. 11." I tried hesitantly, this was total 'Déjà vu' I very well remember the same drill that happened last night. Surprisingly, Alice looked at me and nodded. From surprise, I went to the state of shock, when her answer finally registered in my brain. She's eleven! What the-

"No, you are seventeen," Liz said

Alice shook her head very fast, denying what Liz said. She was looking like a stubborn five-year-old while doing that.

"Arthur said it himself hat you are seventeen, and moreover, you don't look eleven from any angle," Liz argued.

Alice stopped shaking her head and glared hard at Liz.

For a second there I saw something like fear in Lizzi's eyes but then she blinked and looked at me "Back me up, Jace!" Liz said to me.

I turned to Alice who was still glaring at Liz and said: "Lizzie is right, you don't look eleven anyhow." Alice snapped her head at me and I was taken aback by the amount of anger in her eyes. Before I could even blink my eyes, the spoon which she was holding in her hand came flying straight at me and hit me on the cheek "Ow, shit!" I didn't even have the time to defend myself.


Hope you like it! It's been so so long... so excited,

Love you all loads.

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