Chapter Three

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A/N: Sorry for being away so long! Writer's block, a hectic week, and lack of interest all conspired to keep me away but I'm back now! I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Dedicated to EveFletcher :)

Chapter Three

Bang! Bang!

Hope stirred restlessly in her sleep, her eyelids fluttering as she tried to stave off the attackers in her dreams. A silent scream worked its way up from the back of her throat, and she sat up abruptly, heart thudding in her chest.

Sunlight streamed through the second-floor bedroom window, its rays shining warmly on the bed. Running a hand over her face, Hope climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb Maggie, who lay next to her, sound asleep.

Voices from the street caught her attention and Hope turned towards the window. Sweetwater was far from big, but even at this early hour of the morning, the streets were bustling. Two women in shawls and bonnets manoeuvered their ways past the steaming piles of horse manure littering the dirt road, baskets in hand, while a couple of cowboys stepped out into the early morning sunlight from the saloon, wincing at the bright glare and rubbing bleary eyes.

A movement from the corner of her eye caught Hope's attention, and she bent forward slightly, pressing her face to the glass. 

Calvin McKay was standing on the front stoop of the building at the head of the street, the sign above his head proudly proclaiming: Gerson's General Store. His hat shielded his face, but the dark blue shirt and hide jacket were unmistakable. As he stood there, a second man walked up to him, carrying two cups of coffee. He handed one to Calvin and the both of them stood drinking, occasionally exchanging words.

Hope frowned. Calvin McKay had saved her life, and Maggie's. She was going to have to find a way to pay him back--somehow.

As she stood there, there was a sudden knock on the door and Hope turned around. Nellie Woods stepped in, a couple of dresses draped over her arm. She opened her mouth to speak and then, glancing at Maggie, moderated her tone slightly.

"Thought you might want these." She patted the clothes on her arm. "Your own clothes are a mite...dirty."

Hope glanced down at her dress, the mud in her hem and the deep, dried bloodstains on her front making a shiver run up and down her spine. Suddenly yesterday's attack seemed all the more real, and she found herself fighting hard to swallow. "Thank you," she managed, her voice thick.

"Got a couple of dresses for your little gal, too," Nellie said. She put the clothes down on the nearby dresser and then turned to Hope. "Breakfast's in a half hour, iffen ya want to come down." As if involuntarily, she reached out and patted the younger woman on the arm awkwardly, and then turned and quietly left the room.

Hope watched her go, the strange kindness making another lump rise in her throat. Forcing the tears back, she dried her eyes and pushed her hair out of her eyes. Today was a new day.


"Didja talk to the sheriff?"

Luc's quiet voice, thick with a Louisiana drawl, made Calvin look up from surveying the street. "Yeah," he replied. "He said he was gonna send out a posse. Won't do much good, though." He took another swallow of coffee and grimaced, the taste suddenly bitter in his mouth. "They'll be long gone by the time Wyatt's group get there."

Luc nodded. Draining his cup, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette, taking a few drags before speaking again. "What 'bout you? Will you go out?"

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