Chapter 1

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Now, you're probably wondering something like, who is "I" and who are "they" and "them". Well, I'll explain. I am not a human, yet I am highly intelligent. The only other things I know about myself is that my entire body is furry except for my feet, hands, and face. I am also pretty tall, and no, I am not one of those "gorillas" because I stand upright and I am very good at it. As I explained, I am very docile, but my captors think I am a monster because I look like one. Ever heard the expression "beauty is only skin deep"? Or "it's what's on the inside that counts"? Idiots. Most of the time I just sit in here, doing nothing, or eating the meat that is thrown in here two times a week. The attic must be soundproof, because I have never heard sounds from the people below me. I actually have never explored the attic, maybe I should try to. Well, I explored the attic, but I didn't find anything interesting because I couldn't see. I did find a box that I could open, and I felt around inside. There was something that felt like it was soft on the outside and hard on the inside. I picked it up and it made a "Squeak!" sound that vibrated through the room. I was startled for a second and then quickly dropped it back into the box and got into my old position because I had heard footsteps climbing up the stairs. The trapdoor opened an inch, and let a tiny ray light seep in while two icy, black eyes looked at me. The person turned away but still held the door open. I heard muffled voices from below.

"John, what was was that sound?" the voice said.

John replied "Melissa, he probably found the squeaky toy, we have nothing to worry about."

"Okay" said Melissa, "but what if he's found the other thing?"

Then there were a few seconds of silence and then the trapdoor closed and John and Melissa both walked away. I considered what they heard, and I thought about it. The one thing that had struck me was when Melissa had said "other things", what did she mean by that? Tomorrow, I will start looking around the attic for this "other thing".

Wow. Today I think I found what this "other thing" was. It was a very tiny hole in the back of the attic, and I couldn't see the light coming from it earlier because the hole was so small. But I enlarged it and saw the night sky while perched on the roof. Let me just say that the next few deeply descriptive sentences aren't even close to what I saw. To others, it looked the average night sky, but to me, it looked like something so beautiful I can't describe it. The stars were flickering all over the sky, like millions of fireflies. The moon was shining as bright as an explosion of fireworks, and it lit up the sky like a match lighting a candle. The rolling hills in the distance seemed to be moving in the vast, ocean-like night. I could say more, but at that moment I had to jump back into my cold, pitch-black prison for fear that I would be seen.

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