Chapter 2

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The next day, I spent most of my time trying to cover up the hole in the ceiling in a way that I could access it again. I eventually decided to stack three crates on top of each other to block out most of the light, then at night I could rearrange them in a staircase pattern to climb back on the roof. I also got meat today and moved toward the tiny trickles of light that weren't blocked up and ate it there so I could see it. Then I tried to pry the trapdoor open, but it was very tightly locked. At night I snuck up onto the roof to see my friend the sky again. Tonight's sky wasn't as beautiful as yesterday's sky, which is what happens if you view something too many times, it starts to degrade, but this time was still pretty good. I thought of jumping down and running away into the forest that was near the house, but decided against it because I might not survive the fall and would probably be seen. Suddenly, I saw a light flicker on near where I was sitting and I panicked. In fact, I panicked so much that I forgot to close up the hole, and I spent the rest of the night curled up in a ball and trying to sleep while shivering uncontrollably. I woke up before the sun rose and immediately closed up the hole and put my ear to the trapdoor to listen for conversation.

I heard Melissa's voice say "John, I swear I saw the creature sitting on the roof last night as I was tucking the kids in for bed."

John tried to relieve her "Melissa, your eyes were probably playing tricks on you, I'm sure it's nothing."

But Melissa still sounded worried "Can you still go up to check?","Oh, and bring the tranquilizer because he could attack you."

"Okay, okay, I'll check."

Then I heard footsteps, a creaking trapdoor, and finally a stinging pain in my left arm, before falling asleep. When I awoke, I was lying on the floor next to the trapdoor. First, I felt my left arm, where I touched a small puncture wound, I assumed it was from this "tranquilizer". Then I put my ear on the trapdoor to hear what happened.

"Okay Melissa, I called the handyman and fixed the hole in the roof" said John.

I felt my anger growing and growing, and my body getting more tense every second.

"Good, but how did the handyman fix it without noticing the creature?'

"I just moved him into a corner and covered him in boxes."

"While that's fine, now what-"

But I didn't stick around to hear what she had to say, because my anger had reached its boiling point. I remember what happened next, but most of it is seeing red. I started flailing my arms violently, smashing everything in my fists reach into pieces. They soon came up, and shouted, but I couldn't hear their screams as I charged at them like a mad bull. They always dodged or put a crate to block me, but the crate was always shattered, giving them little time to escape. And when they did dodge, I smashed a 6 ft tall hole in the wall. They fired their weapons, which were most likely tranquilizers, but the darts just bounced off harmlessly. I did collapse, but no because of the darts, but because I had drained all my energy.

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