Chapter 6

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"Alright, what's going on here now, you dumb beast?" bellows John.

The words make me want to fly out at him in rage, but I remember that humans are idiotic creatures. What's important right now is to focus on executing the plan. Quickly, I scan him to see whther or not he has any trinkets or items of some sort with him. I see something big and black strapped to his back, and another small thing shaped like a sideways letter "L". He steps forward a few paces and then stops to observe and looks around. When he turns to the side opposite of the target spot, I will throw the mouse. He swipes his head around like a prowling fox on the hunt for prey. He moves it cautionary to the right, and I aim and throw the mouse to the designated spot. It lands.


The sharp, swift, and crisp noise cuts through the air as easily as a knife in butter. It startles him, and he jumps, then turns around quicky, and slowly moves toward the spot. He unstraps the black item from his back and carries it, and I see that it is a large baton. He moves with the naton in hand. As he cautiously ambles toward it, he steps over the tripwire. 

Dissapointment and feelings of failure well up inside of me as he bends down to pick up the mouse. 

Suddenly, he truns around and briskly walks away.


He tumbles to the floor as he makes contact with the tripwire. He gets up. He is sore and bruised, but mostly annoyed.


He steps back over the tripwire and madly searches around in a blind rage. His head darts around, keenly looking and observing. 

I pull the string. The net unfolds, realeasing a hailstorm of death. The LEGOs and clothespins fly out and pelt him like bullets. He bends down in pain and is on his knees. Then, the calvary comes in. One, Two, Three, no, FIVE books all land square on his head. He is knocked unconcious and sprawls out, unmoving on the floor. 

"Wow, " I think to myself. "that worked better than I expected."

First, I drag him to the cornor of the attic and put some boxes around him. Then, I search him for useful items. He has, a baton, tranquizer (loaded), an extra tranqiulizer dart, and a flashlight. I went back to the "Fort", which is my "base" in the attic. It's basically an area surronded by boxes and reinforced with pices of wood. After storing my loot there, I went back and tied him up with rope in case he wakes up. I also gagged him.

Now that everything's settled, what am I going to do with an unconcious body?

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