2: Love

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A man opens the door after you knock on it. You analyze his features.

He had sandy-blond hair that reached his shoulders which were accompanied by pretty, violet eyes. After studying his features, you blurt out the first thing that came to your mind.

"Hey! You look cute, where's Gaara?"

The man giggles a little before saying, "Thank you young lady. Are you a friend of Gaara's?"

"Nope! I'm his best friend, at least I hope so because I think of him as my best friend! What are you? Are you his father? If you are, does that mean you're the Kazekage?" You exclaim as your eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Haha, no, I'm not Gaara's father, which means I'm not the Kazekage either. I'm his uncle, Yashamaru," answers Yashamaru with a small smile.

"Oh, where's Gaara though?" You question as you stand on your tip-toes and sway from side-to-side trying to peek into Gaara's house.

"He's still sleeping. Would you like to help me wake him up?" questions Yashamaru.

"Absolutely! We have a long day of play ahead of us, ya know?" You exclaim as Yashamaru chuckles and moves aside to let you in.

Soon, the front door closes and you're led up the stairs to Gaara's room. As your hand moves to slide the door open, it slides for you to show a young boy with brown hair and very dark green eyes. You assumed that this boy shared a room with Gaara.

"Who the heck are you?" questions the young boy as he pulls out a kunai and holds it to your neck.

"Hi! I'm (y/n)! I'm from the (l/n) Clan and I just moved here! I officially moved here yesterday actually! What's your name? Are you Gaara's older brother? I'm Gaara's best friend! Do you want to be my other best friend too?" You kept pushing the boy with questions until he put away his kunai with annoyance and trudged right past you.

You frowned since he didn't answer any of your questions. Yashamaru must've seen your frown because he answered some of the questions you threw at the boy whose name is Kankuro according to him.

After listening to Yashamaru's answers, you tip-toe over to Gaara's bed. You analyze Gaara's sleeping features for a moment until you finally poke his face's left cheek.

"Wakey wakey Gaara!" You exclaim, "Ya know, your facecheeks are squishy!"

Gaara's figure shifts in bed a little until a pair of green irides flutter open. A smile casts upon Gaara's face as he notices your smiling face.

"G-Good morning," yawns Gaara.

"Good morning! Hurry and get up Gaara! We have to go out and play today before it gets dark!" You exclaim, "I'll even make breakfast for you too, so when you get dressed, your food will be ready to fly into your mouth!"

"Okay," agrees Gaara as he moves to sit on the left side of his bed to yawn one more time and wipe his eyes.

"Cool! Hey Yashamaru! You got any waffles we can throw in the toaster or something?" You ask Yashamaru as you run into a room that seems to be a kitchen.

Yashamaru was drinking a beverage from a coffee cup as he sat at a table. You weren't sure what he was drinking, but it must've tasted good. So, when Yashamaru said that he did have waffles and went to go look for them, you climbed up onto his chair and took a sip of what looked like hot chocolate.

"Ew!" You scream as Yashamaru turns from the fridge that he was engaged with until you made some noise.

"Man! No offense Yashamaru, but this hot chocolate you made was terrible!" You manage to cough out as the after taste of this disgusting beverage lingers on your tongue.

Yashamaru laughs as he pulls out two waffles from a box and pops them in the toaster after putting away the box.

"Seriously though! You need some hot chocolate making lessons!" You exclaim with concern, not realizing that the so called "hot chocolate" was actually coffee.

After giggling some more, Yashamaru finally asks, "Do you know where I could possibly receive these lessons from (y/n)?"

"Well, my father makes some pretty good hot chocolate when it's pretty cold out. I'd suggest you should come over when it gets cold, but I realized that we're in the desert. So, I'll tell you when my dad randomly decides to make hot chocolate, 'kay?" You suggest.

"Of course!" agrees Yashamaru as the waffles pop up in the air and is caught by a plate.

"Oh wow! That's some cool magic that happened there!" You exclaim.

"What magic?" questions a young redhead as he makes his way to the dining table.

Once Gaara sat on a chair next to yours, Yashamaru placed a plate of waffles in front of Gaara and took his cup of "hot chocolate" to the sink to wash it after his last sip.

"So, when those waffles popped out of the toaster, they flew into the air and landed on that plate!" You explain.

"Woah, flying waffles? That is magic!" cheerfully agrees Gaara.

Before you could reply to Gaara's comment, a door slammed open to reveal a man with red hair and frustrated eyes.

"Yashamaru!" grunts the man, "Do you have any idea where I could find ink?"

"Ah yes brother, give me a minute to find some!" exclaims Yashamaru as he scurries into the hallway to find ink.

As the man waits for ink to be brought to him, he notices you and Gaara enjoying each other's company.

"Here you are brother!" exclaims Yashamaru triumphantly as he hands the man a bottle of ink.

"Hm, it's Kazekage to you," mumbles the man as he leaves to go back to his Kazekage duties.

"Who was that rude man that you called brother Yashamaru?" You question.

"That was my brother-in-law, Rasa, who happens to be the Kazekage too," explains Yashamaru.

"So much for a Kazekage, he needs to learn to be respectful of others, no matter what their class is," you explain as you pout a little.

"Oh don't worry about it (y/n), he's just a little stiff due to the many tasks he must do within a day. He is the Kazekage after all," defends Yashamaru.

. . .

After Gaara finished eating breakfast, you two head for your house. As soon as you two arrived, you showed Gaara your room.

"Look at this Gaara!" You yell as you show Gaara a tray of neatly arranged rocks, each rock having its own quirk.

Gaara's green eyes travel along each rock, carefully analyzing each and every one. You watch his eyes move side to side, until they finally stop. You follow Gaara's gaze and find that he's staring at a rock with the kanji symbol of "love" carved into it. You pick up the rock and hand it to Gaara.

"Here, you can have it! I found it on a shoreline one day. I bet a girl like me carved it on there because she felt feelings for someone. Or, maybe it was a boy that wanted to express his love for someone too!" You say ecstatically as Gaara takes a hold of the rock.

"Th-Thank you!" exclaims Gaara with a smile.

"You're welcome Gaara! This rock can represent my love for you as my best friend!" You exclaim as you hug the red-cheeked child.

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