4: Picture Perfect

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For the past few weeks, it has become a routine for you to go to Gaara's house in the morning, talk with Yashamaru until Gaara is ready to go, and go on an adventure with Gaara once he is ready. You both enjoyed each other's presence and were very close. So close, to the point even Gaara's father knew of such a thing even though he was too busy to even be in Gaara's life. 

Today's adventure involves you and Gaara relaxing in Chūseina's shed with Chūseina herself. You and Gaara lay next to one another along Chūseina's side as she too lays in the soft hay. You were both speaking of the future and what it could hold.

"When I grow up, I'd like to become a great Shinobi, just like my mother," you say smiling at the thought of your mother hearing such words.

"I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I do know that whatever I do, I want to be with you (y/n)," says Gaara as you both blush at the thought of working alongside one another.

"Maybe we'll be put on the same team once we enroll for school- then we could continue to work together," you comment.

"I overheard that I have to be on a team with my siblings, since others are too afraid to approach me," says Gaara as he frowns.

"Well, maybe that thought will change. If people just got to know how kind and friendly you are, then I'm sure they'd love to be friends with you!" you exclaim with a bright smile.

"Thanks (y/n). Ya know, y-you should sm-smile more... It can fill the wh-whole room up with h-h-happiness!" says Gaara as he blurts out the last word due to struggling to spit it out without stuttering.

You blush, not realizing these feelings meant something more than a yearning for friendship.

"See! You're so sweet!" you exclaim, smiling even more.

Gaara blushes slightly and shyly thanks you for the compliment. Suddenly, you hear your father's voice calling for you both, which leads to you and Gaara coming out of the shed to find your father holding a camera.

"Hey kiddos! As I was walking through the house, I found a box we missed out on unpacking, so I took it upon myself to do the job. That's when I found my trusty ol' camera. Since I found it, I'd like to test it out and see if it still works. How about it, smile at the camera and say cheese?" insists your father as he holds up the camera, waiting for your response.

"Sure dad! What do ya say Gaara, wanna take a picture?" you ask Gaara, your (e/c) irides meeting his aquamarine eyes.

"I guess that's okay. I'm not very fond of pictures, but taking one with you makes me feel better about it," answers Gaara with a small smile.

"Then come on," you exclaim as you grab his hand, holding it tightly, "look at the camera and smile!"

Slightly taken aback by your actions, Gaara listens and looks directly into the camera, smiling as he feels the warmth of your hand.

"Say cheese!" yells your father.

You and Gaara yell cheese as you both look into the camera, finally hearing a click that signals you two to relax. You drag Gaara over to your father, only letting go of his hand once you make it to your father's side, to analyze the photo. You all patiently wait for the photo to pop out of the camera. Once the piece of paper comes out, your father picks it up and waves it. He squints at the photo, trying to figure out if the camera is still in good condition or not.

"Ah-hah, there you kids go," says your father as he hands you the photo for you and Gaara to analyze.

"Wow! The camera works! It's really us Gaara!" you exclaim, overjoyed with the fact that you were holding a treasure.

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