Chapter 10

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Isaac held my hand as we headed into the night and took flight, with me in his arms. Everyone flew with us or carried the injured and weak. There was a small town nearby that we stopped at, I watched several of the men including Delorn, Jeremiah, and Isaac seek out a blood source. Jonah, Johnathon, and Julian stayed behind with me.

Jonah wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "I'm glad to see you! You really showed us what you're made of earlier. That was intense!"

"Yeah, especially when you blew that bright light into Delorn's mouth. You're like a bright flame," Johnathon said while nudging me.

"I thought the best part of that entire thing was when our girl here kicked Mr. Prince Jacob's ass and than handed it to him," Julian added before giving me a kiss on the cheek and a broad smile.

"You all are a bunch of dorks! Goddess, I don't even know what I did back there. If you want to give anyone credit for all of that, give it to the Goddess. She was using my body as a vessel to save Delorn's life."

They all stood shocked and stood staring at me. The first to talk was Jonah, "I knew you were something special! The Goddess hasn't been here since the first Sekhmetian was born and she only came here to give birth to her child on earth. She wanted to protect humanity by giving them her son. You've got to be the Light Barer."

"What is the Light Barer that everyone keeps talking about?"

"It's what you are. No one knows exactly what it is but there's a prophecy that only the Kings know of. It wasn't broadcasted to just anyone, just incase the information got into the wrong hands."

"So you're saying no one knows the real prophecy?"

"No, Isaac knows it and probably plans on telling you it when we get back to the house."

"You guys don't have a house, that's a huge ass mansion!"

He laughed out loud and I joined in, which made the other two men laugh as well. Isaac and the rest of the men who went out feeding, began to walk up at that moment and they were all smiling. I tended to have that effect on the men in the Dark Guardians. Isaac walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist to lift me up. His lips pressed against mine and I wanted so badly for him to kiss away all those disgusting actions performed on me but I pulled away before I set off some kind of orgy.

Everyone was still smiling, even Delorn was smiling. This was my family, just as much as my pack, this was where I am needed. Isaac kept his arms wrapped around my waist and than took off flying. He whispered into my ear, "Would you like to sleep? I know how much you hate flying."

"If I could, I would. But I'm wide awake."

"Go to sleep," he whispered into my ear but seemed to caress my mind.

My eyes began to close but before I fell asleep I brushed my lips against Isaac's cheek.

Isaac woke me up inside a room that I hadn't been in before. The bedroom was similar to the one I stayed in but almost everything was made from black diamonds and gold, even the bed was made from gold. The sheets were made from black Egyptian cotton and the curtains were made from some kind of material that would block out the sun. There was a massive amount of pillows and the walls held ancient looking swords and jewels. A wall was dedicated to, what looked like, family heirlooms and ancient scrolls.

"Is this your room," I asked fascinated by the rooms interior.

Isaac stared at me from the side of the bed where I was laying before answering, "This is the Kings chamber, yes."

My head snapped back to him, I had almost forgotten all the stuff that I learned from those Light Brothers.

"Yes, so, you didn't tell me you were the King. Any particular reason why you didn't indulge me?"

"Would you have been more compelled to sleep with me, had you known I was the King? Or would you have insisted on leaving anyways?"

I shook my head, "It's not about what you have or what your title is, it's about who you are as an individual. You should know that's how my mind works, you've been in there."

"I know, you have a kind heart but you also have darkness in you. That's what the prophecy said," he responded, as he walked over to the golden doors, "These doors were carved with Ancient Egyptian symbols by an oracle. Mahees, Sekhmet's son, began to show signs of evil, so our Goddess came down and put her love and elemental abilities into a beautiful woman. What she hadn't known was that the woman was blind, it didn't deter her judgment though. She led the woman to her son and that was the beginning of our race."

"When Aziza began to have prophecies, Mahees welcomed them but after a couple of centuries the darkness began to return. Seth sought out Mahees and offered him a proposition, stupidly he took it. Seth devoured Mahees' soul, giving him more strength, destruction, black magic, and anything that he could wish for as a warrior. When Aziza saw what he had done, she foretold a prophecy before she decided to leave her mate. She hid from him and hasn't been seen since."

He ran his hand over the symbols on the door and than turned around to face me.

"The prophecy says:

To seek the truth you must look within,

Not everything is clear as Light and Dark,

The Light Barer contains both,

Light doesn't always equate to good,

Seek the Barer that is the key,

The Barer can help unite thee. "

"What does it mean?"

"The last two lines talk about the Barer, if you're the Light Barer, with both Darkness and Light, than you're not the Barer. It talks about the Light Barer the first half and than the last two lines talk about just the Barer. I think the Barer is the oracle but nobody has seen her in centuries. We don't even know if she's still alive."

"We can find her, I think. But we're going to have to tell someone about us, that might not know the supernatural world exists. Wait, first, does anyone have anything personal that belongs to the Oracle?"

"I believe somewhere we might. Why?"

"Ugh, you might want to pack your stuff because we're going to school next week. I need to find someone I know and while I'm doing that, you need to find a personal belonging of the Oracles."

"You're brilliant," he exclaimed after reading my mind.

I ran into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist, before kissing him. He held me tight against him and carried me back to the bed. After lying me down, he began taking my clothes off slowly, as I took his off. His muscles rippled as our skin met. He kept his eyes trained on mine and that's when I knew that I was in love with the King of the Dark Guardians, he'd protect me from anything.

"I love you," I whispered softly into his chest.

He brought my face up to his and kissed my lips before whispering against them, "I love you too, Mio Amore."

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