Brotherly Love Ch. 8

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Alex's POV (shocking I know)

I pace back and forth in my bedroom, probably wearing out a trail in my neon blue carpet. Matt never texted or called me after school, even when I texted him before I went to bed. Did something happen to him? Oh god, I hope nothing happened to him. I would blame myself forever because I didn't walk home with him. I would never forgive myself! Oh geez, oh geez, oh geez-

My panic attack is interrupted as my phone dings, signaling a text. I race over to my black bed, practically pouncing on my phone. I'm in such a hurry that I can't even press the button to turn the screen on. When I finally get it, Matt's name shows up on the bright screen of my iPhone.

Heeyy Allie-Poo! Did you miss me? ;) Of course you did, cus I'm your Matty Bear!

I sigh loudly in relief, feeling a weight come off my chest knowing that my best friend is all right. Then I pause. "Allie-Poo?.... Matty Bear?" What in the Hell?

I shake my head at our new names, and text him back. Yes I did miss my cuddly little bear ;). Now come to my house and tell me where you were all last night so I can RIP YOUR STUFFING OUT!!

I wait patiently for his reply. Woaahhh there Allie-Poo. Calm your tits! I'll explain at school ;)

Fine. What's with the winky face? Don't tell me one of those football players were actually gay for you?...I don't have tits -_-

Oh of course they aren't gay for me!... And oookaayy suurre. Whatever floats your boat ;)

I don't reply to that, getting ready for school instead.


When I get to school the first thing I see is Matt and Adam. Adam is standing with Drew and another guy, just talking. Matt, on the other hand, is standing beside Adam, looking at him with googly eyes. Adam is pretending not to notice. Huh, weird.

I walk up to Matt, and pull him away by his arm. I walk us around the corner of the school, out of hearing range of nosy eavesdroppers. "Hey, Allie! When did you get here? I didn't even notice!" Matt says as soon as I drop his arm.

"Why? 'Cause you're too busy drooling over Adam?"

His eyes go wide as he says, "No! Psh what are you talking about? Psh! Silly goose! Psshh!..."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Mhm, spill it."

"Well you see, this is a really funny story. When you left me yesterday, and I tried to walk by those football players, they beat me up!" He laughs.

"What? They did what to you?!"

"Wait! That isn't even the funniest part! Then Adam and his friends come soaring in like big superhero birdies and beat the football brutes up!" He starts cracking up laughing. "But the funniest part is that when Adam took me home and cleaned me up, we kissed! And not just a little peck! We made out!" He collapses to the ground in a fit of laughter.


"W-we ki-kissed!" He stutters between giggles from the ground. "I kissed m-my bro-brother! And it w-was good!" He falls into another fit of giggles.

I look at him. Really look at him for the first time since I arrived this morning. I can see a bruise and cut on his face that I hadn't noticed before. He is now clutching his stomach as he lay giggling. Why is he laughing?

"Matt, get up off the ground."

His laughing instantly stops as he slowly gets to his feet. He watches me, waiting for what I'll say next.

" and Adam? Together?"

"Yeah," he replies quietly.

"Are you public?"


All of this new information turns over in my mind while I try to take it in. I nod my head as it soaks in. "Okay."

"'Okay' what?"

"'Okay' I'm cool with it."

"You are? Really?"

"Matt, didn't we just have this conversation? When you came out to me?"

"Yeah, I guess we did." His eyes brighten as a grin of pure joy spreads across his face. He tackles me to the ground in a tight hug. "Aw Allie-Poo!"

I laugh softly as I hug him back. "All right, get off me you big lug," I tell him affectionately.

He pops up and waits for me to do the same, which I do much more slowly. We start walking towards the entrance to the school. Most of the students have already gone inside, so it's only us and a few stragglers outside.

"You know, we need to work on how you act around him in public. It was pretty obvious earlier the way you were looking at him."

"I know," my best friend sighs.

"Oh well, I'll help you."

"Thanks Alex!" He gives me a peck on the cheek before running off into the school. I touch my cheek where his lips were, and sigh. Surely the only reason I didn't mind that was because he's my best friend, right? Right?


Hey there! That seems to be a decent length, but watch it only be two pages -_-. Just watch.

Anyways what'd you think of Alex's POV? :)

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