Brotherly Love Ch. 10

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10 CHAPTERS! Double digits!

Matt's POV

"Let's go to the beach, each! Let's go get away! They say, what they gonna say?" I sing loudly. Adam and I have been driving for about twenty minutes, and it's gotten dark by now. I think I'm starting to drive him crazy. As long as he doesn't say anything, though, I'm all good! "Hey Adam!" I whip towards him so fast I should have whiplash. Good thing I'm a lucky little mother or that would suck pretty bad.

"Yes, Matt?" He has a content little smile on his lips. He's looking out at the road, but he turns his crystal eyes towards me.

"Have you ever seen that commercial with the dog that sticks his butt out of the window instead of his head? Then the one guy is like "Dude, your dog's a freak." I put my hands over my mouth as I start to giggle uncontrollably. I roll around on the seat in my fit of laughter.

He raises a perfect eyebrow at me. "Are you excited or what?"

"You can bet your pale white butt I am!"

He scoffs. "My butt is not pale white! It's tan and lovely," Adam says defensively.

"We shall see," I wink at him. He blushes lightly across his cheekbones. I smile, satisfied that I can get a reaction like that out of him. "So," I drawl, "where ya taking me?" I look at him out of the corner of my eye.

"I already told you. We're going to the beach."

"Yes, but which one?" I ask exasperatedly.

"It doesn't matter."

"I want to know though!"

"Patience, child."

I turn back and face the road, my bottom lip sticking out in a soft pout.

"Don't look like that."

"Look like what, brother dearest?" I reply innocently.

"All sad and pouty. It makes me want to tell you."

"Oh, does it?"

"Yes, it does."

"I see," I say as I turn back towards the window. "Would you tell me then?"



He sighs deeply. "We're here."

I press my face against the cool window, trying to see with the dim evening light. We're on a dirt road by a thin scatter of trees, right next to a shimmering lake. "Woo!" I yell as I jump out of the car. I run through the trees and shrubs until I'm standing at the edge of the water, my shoes sinking slightly in the soft sand. The water looks like smooth glass with the trees and sky reflected off its surface. The whole lake is surrounded by thick forest, except for the area we're settled in. The sun is starting to set behind the trees opposite us.

While I was admiring the beautiful view, Adam had been unpacking things from the car, and setting them up a little ways up the sandy bank from me. He comes up behind me, wrapping his slender arms around my waist, holding me securely to him. I lean back into his strong chest. His chin is resting on the top of my head while we watch the blazing sun slowly sink below the tree line, spilling warm colors across the sky like a painting. Pinks, oranges, and yellows all blend together to make an astonishing masterpiece above our heads.

Once the sun is completely hidden behind the forest, Adam whispers to me, "Are you hungry?"

I nod, calm for a change. He plants a sweet, soft kiss on my cheek before letting go of me. My brother walks over to a navy blue picnic blanket he set up earlier. He opens up a tan wicker basket, and reaches inside. His hands emerge holding small glass balls with candles inside. He also pulls out a lighter, sticking it through the small opening at the top of the globes. The lit candles cast shadows around us as Adam continues to pull items out of the basket. A plastic container, two Mountain Dew cans, a tub of ice cream, and a baggie containing something all come out of the basket. Adam sets everything up until he's satisfied, and then looks up at me with a loving expression on his face. "Come sit." He pats the spot beside him.

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