Brotherly Love Ch. 9

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I would like to start a One-Shot book. So if you have any requests, please message me. I'll dedicate the chapter to you and everything :p. It seems like a fun thing to do, especially if you guys can challenge me :). I hope that this can also improve my writing. Thank you!

Enjoy the story now ;)

Matt's POV

Alex and I are sitting in art, working on portraits of each other, when Adam enters in the room. I look up at him curiously as he walks over to the teacher, speaking quietly to her. When he's finished the teacher turns toward me.

"Matt Starr, you are needed at the office."

"Oh no," Alex says jokingly, "what did big bad Matty-Bear do now?"

"Shut up, Buttwipe!" I pack up my art supplies as he laughs. "Bye Allie-Poo!" I pat his head as he blushes lightly at the whole class hearing his new nickname. I giggle as I pass him, walking towards my brother.

As I approach him, I look into his icy eyes. The look in them has me blushing and looking at the floor. "So, what does the office need me for?"

"Come on," he replies.

We exit the room, and as soon as the door shuts behind us, Adam has me pressed up against the hard wall. His body is flush with mine, making my breathing speed up. His hands run up my arms; his cool breath on my neck. I shiver in anticipation. "Come on," he breaths, before grabbing my hand and pulling me quickly towards the boy's bathroom.

Once inside, he locks the door. He turns to me with a devilish grin, making my blood heat up. He walks over to me slowly, backing me up against the sinks.

"Adam?" I ask shakily.


"What are you doing?"

"Kissing my boyfriend."

His words send a wave of happiness through me. He presses me against the cold sinks with his lower body; he leans his head down to my level. Adam brushes his soft lips with mine. He holds his mouth a hairsbreadth away from mine. I lean forward, trying to close the gap, but he pulls back just enough to keep the space. I try again, but to no avail. Getting frustrated, I grab the back of my brother's neck so that he can't move. I press my lips hard to his, making him chuckle through the kiss.

"Eager, are we?" He laughs with a smile.

Instead of answering I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him deeply. He makes a small humming noise in the back of his throat. Adam's hands are on my waist, pulling me closer to him. He nips my bottom lip, wanting entrance to my mouth, which I give him happily. His tongue probes my mouth, tasting everything in reach. He gives a sound of approval, sending tingles through my body.

I push away from the sinks, and push Adam up agaisnt the white wall. His hands are still on my waist, while mine travel to the hem of his light blue shirt. I slip my hands inside, feeling his delicious abs. I move farther up, my hands brushing against every inch of his warm, creamy skin.

His tongue invades my mouth; his sweet, minty taste makes my taste buds tingle. Our mouths are practically molded together at this point. Adam pulls away for air, but I'm not done. I move my lips to his smooth neck, tasting the skin. I graze it with my teeth a couple of times. I gently bite down, then run my tongue across it to soothe the pain. My brother's breathing is hard and ragged. Pft, so much for catching his breath.

The small noises coming from him encourage me to continue. I move my lips down to the base of his neck, leaving a trail of kisses. I bite down hard on the skin at the hollow at the base of his neck. I immediately run my tongue over the now sore spot. Adam lets out a throaty moan. I repeat the process a couple of more times until I've left a nice big hickey on my brother's neck.

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