Brotherly Love Ch. 2

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Dedicated to MistyBryant because she votes and comments! Follow her example! ;)

Matt's POV

"Y-you...what?" Adam asks. I bite my lip nervously as a few more tears spill out of my eyes. I don't look away - can't look away. His piercing light eyes hold mine still.

"I'm gay," I whisper. I start breathing hard, shallow breaths. Oh no, he's disgusted with me. He's going to tell everybody. He may even hit me. What if he-

"Okay...okay. Cool." He says simply.

"Cool?" I ask, confused.

"Yeah. Cool."

"You're not going to hit me? Or tell everyone?" I'm shocked that he is accepting it this easily. There has to be a catch. There has to be.

"Matt Starr, do you really think I'd do that? I'm your big brother for God's sake. I would never do that, to you or anybody else. Have some faith in me, Man." he looks a little hurt.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You're right.... Thanks, Adam." I say sheepishly.

"No prob, little bro." He pulls me into another tight hug. I hug him back gladly.

"Hey Adam?"


"What do I do? Do I tell Mom and Dad?"

"Only if you want to. Don't do anything you're not sure about."

"Okay." I nod.

"And no matter what you decide to do, I'll be right here beside you." He says capturing my eyes again.


" you like any boys?" He questions with an amused smile and a wink.

"Adam! No, I'm not talking about boys with you." I blush like a mad man, though.

He pouts. "Fine. Deprive me of the chance to pretend I have a little sister."

I punch him in the arm, and he ruffles my hair, which makes me hit him harder. He grabs my arm and puts it behind my back. I wrap my other arm around his neck, trying to put him in a choke-hold. I fail of course. He picks me up by my waist and throws me on the bed on my stomach. He climbs on top of me and holds me down so I can't move.

"Admit defeat," he tells me. I can hear the smugness in his voice.


"Fine. You forced me to do this." He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I struggle and pound on his back, but to no avail.

"Adam! Put me down!"

"As if," he laughs.

"Aliens, I need your help! Come to me!"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I ask with a 'duhh' voice and roll my eyes.

We're in the backyard by now, heading towards our in-ground swimming pool. My eyes widen. "No! My hair looks perfect! Adam, n-"

Too late. The cool water surrounds my small frame, sucking me in. I kick my legs and swim to the surface. When I emerge, with my black hair stuck to my face, I look up at my brother laughing hysterically. I glare at him, and he holds out his hand to help me out. Really, he should have seen it coming when I pull him in with me.

"Matt!" He exclaims, spluttering water. I just laugh. He looks like an angry cat that got a surprise bath.

He moves towards me and I start swimming away, but of course he catches up to me. He always does. Right before he submerges my head under the water I take in a deep breath. He tickles me, though, making the air escape my lungs. I come up coughing up water. Adam laughs at me, and I decide to make him feel guilty. Heh, now this is what I can easily beat him at.

I look down and sniffle; his laughter instantly stops. "Matt?"

I look up at him through my lashes, sticking my full bottom lip out, my snakebites gleaming in the sun.

"Matt it was only a joke. I'm sorry." I don't respond. He wades towards me. "Matt? Look, I-"

When he's close enough I grab his hair and dunk his head under the water. While he's in shock, I quickly get out of the pool and skip inside, singing "I win!" before I slip inside to take a shower.


Adam's POV

I get out of the pool after I cough up some water, and go inside to dry off. I can hear Matt singing in the shower. "You said you cried a thousand times! But I don't believe a word of it! You loved it when my heart stopped! So you start to listen!" I chuckle to myself as I listen to him.

I stroll into my room and strip off my wet clothes, dropping them in my laundry basket. Ugh, I hate the feeling of being damp all over; it makes me feel gross. I stroll into my bathroom and start the shower. When it's hot enough I step in, and let the water abuse the skin of my back. I tilt my head back and wet my hair.

I dry off when I get out and go to my dresser to pull out some clothes. I pick out a black tank top and sweat pants. I brush my hair and blow dry it to flippy perfection. I smirk at myself in the mirror. Yeah, I know I'm hot, but I don't mean to sound vain or anything.

I clomp down the stairs to find Matt stuffing cookies in his mouth like a chipmunk. I freeze when he sees me, cheeks filled and one hand in the cookie jar. I raise my eyebrow at him, and he says "Dsh shnt hut eh oogh lek!"

"Chew and swallow," I say slowly.

He chews for a minute and swallows the huge amount of chocolate chip cookies. "Okay," he begins. "It isn't what it looks like."

"Oh? Then what is it?"

"Well, you see, what happened was that I was watching the history channel, and it said the world was ending soon. Then I walked in here and saw these cookies. I couldn't let them go to waste, now could I?" He asks. "Of course I couldn't! So I didn't want Mom's hard labor to go to waste. The only sensible solution was to eat all of them. So I did," he finishes.

I watch at him for a moment, and then just shake my head with a poorly hidden smile on my lips. "Of course, you did what you needed to do. Thanks for being so considerate."

"You're welcome," he grins.

I walk over to the fridge and pull out a gallon of milk, and grab a cup from the cabinet. I pour myself a glass and sip it as I watch Matt spin in the bar stool. Hm. My brother is gay. That is totally unexpected, but I don't care at all. He's still my baby brother no matter what his sexual preferences are. I guess it makes sense since he's never talked about liking a girl before. This doesn't change the way I look at him or the way I act around him at all, and if anyone decides to give him crap about his newfound sexuality, they will become quite familiar with my fist. That's a promise.


Aw I thought that was nice little ending there :). It really shows how much Adam loves Matt. Song to the right is the one Matt was singing in the shower. It's "I Used To Have A Best Friend (But Then He Gave Me An STD)" by Asking Alexandria :D haha. Also that's Matt to the right ;) >>>> He is played by the wonderful Alex Evans. If you don't know who he is, he's a very talented photographer (a very cute one ;P). Go to his website and look at his photo shoots! Go now!

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