Brotherly Love Ch. 7

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I know I said that I would upload quicker this time, and I failed that. I've had a sports practice every night and tons of homework, so I just didn't have the time.

And I couldn't be any happier than Brotherly Love has over 2,000 reads! It's such a big thing for me xD. Thank you all :) And I finally got the pic of Matt up on chapter 6. Anywho, I'll stop jabbering and let you read ;).

Matt's POV

I lay sprawled out on my bed, tracing my lips while once again thinking about my first kiss. Not only was it my first kiss, but it was my first with Adam. My Adam. I smile at the thought. I'm still daydreaming when I hear the front door open and close. My ears perk up like a dog (metaphorically of course) when I hear someone coming up the stairs. I slip off of the bed, and sink to the floor. I crawl across my white carpet towards the door, opening it just wide enough to see through.

I see Adam come to a stop at the top of the stairs. He bites his lip, looking between his door and mine, back and forth a few times. I make sure to keep my face hidden; I don't want him to know I'm watching. He finally decides on going to his room. Once he enters his bedroom I quietly slip out of mine, still on the floor.

I slither like a snake past the stairwell towards his room. I try to actually slither like a snake, but I guess they're the only ones lucky enough to posses that skill, so I have to just army crawl. I make it to his door and peek in through the small crack he left open.

Adam is sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. He runs them through his soft black hair, releasing a stress-filled sigh. He pops up suddenly and begins pacing around the room. I lay quietly while I watch him. He stops and folds his hands on top of his head. The action makes his shirt ride up just enough to reveal the top of his boxers peaking out from under the waistband of his jeans. I can just barely see a small Hello Kitty against the black background on his boxers. I clap my hand over my mouth to hold in my laughter. I don't even have Hello Kitty boxers! I have My Little Pony boxers, but not Hello Kitty!

The small noise I made catches his attention, causing him to look around the room for the source. His eyes land on the opening between the door and the doorframe, but he doesn't notice I'm laying there yet. His head cocks slightly to the side, recognition starting to come into his eyes.

Ah! What do I do?! I don't want him to know I'm spying! What to do...what to do...SNAKE. I let out a menacing hiss, causing Adam to take a startled step back. He scrunches his eyebrows at me and walks over to open the door, making me release more hisses.

He swings the door all of the way open, peering down at me. "Matt? What are you doing?"

"Ssss. I'm not Matt. Ssss..." I trail off when he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Oh? You're not my little brother?"

"Nope. Uh, ssssss.."

"Alrighty then, so you wouldn't be affected if I just took off some things? It's quite hot in here." He strips off his t-shirt and tosses it across the room.

"Um, hiss," I say as my eyes trail down his upper body. I lick my lips, not able to look away. He bites his lip as he slowly starts to open the button on his jeans and unzip them. I'm so into watching his little show as he's about to pull the waistband down, that I don't notice his hand has moved to the door until it slams in my face.

"Ow!" I yell as I rub my sore nose. That better not leave a mark, or he'll be paying for the makeup to cover it up. I'm not looking terrible on the second day of school tomorrow.

I sit outside his room and pout. "Adam," I call. I wait for an answer, but I don't hear a response. "Adam!" I yell louder. This time I hear him walking towards the door. He opens it and looks down at me sitting on the carpet outside his door.

"Yes?" he asks politely.

"Are you going to apologize?"

He thinks for a moment. "Nope."

I gape at him. "Why not?!"

He shrugs. I cross my arms and look up at him, sticking my bottom lip out in a pouty, puppydog look. He looks away from me, knowing he can't resist this look. "Adam," I sniffle. He looks back down at me with a guilty expression. I sniffle again for good measure.

He sighs. "Do you want me to kiss it all better?"

I perk up. "Yes, actually."

He kneels down in front of me. "Where does it hurt?" He murmurs.

"Here." I point to my forehead. He softly kisses it. "And here." I point to my cheek. He kisses it too. "And here." I point to my nose. He softly kisses the tip. "And here," I whisper, pointing to my lips. He cups my face with his hands, and slowly leans in, placing a sweet, gentle kiss on my lips.

I don't feel the same fireworks as before, but this kiss is so much sweeter than the first. It's so much better. He runs his fingertips across my jaw as he slowly kisses me. Our lips seperate, and he lays his forehead against mine. He sits down against the wall, pulling me into his lap. We sit in eachother's arms for a while, enjoying eachother's company.

Finally, he says something. "I like you, Matt. A lot." He nuzzles his face into my neck. His warm breath tickles my skin.

"I like you, too, Adam."

"No one can know if we're going to make this work. Not Mom, not Dad, not anyone." He looks at me with a sad expression on his face.

"I know," I sigh. "Can I tell Alex?"

"Only if he promises to not tell anyone."

"He won't. He wouldn't do that to me."

"I know." He smiles gently. "I just don't want to risk anyone finding out. I could handle the consequences, but I'm scared to death for you."

"I can take care of myself," I assure him. "Besides, no one will find out."

"Okay. But we can't touch eachother in public. Or say anything that would hint that something is going on. Can you handle that?"

I bite my lip, unsure. "I can. For you."

He nods, then his face breaks out into a beautiful, happy smile. He places another kiss on my mouth, and I can practically feel the happines and excitement radiating off of him through the contact.

I pull away this time, a smile of my own on my face. He lets out a quiet, giddy laugh as we stare into eachother's eyes. My hands are around his neck, playing with his hair. We stay like that until we part ways to go to bed. After the long, eventful day, I'm completely exhausted. My body is sore from the beating I had, but the pain is numbed by the contentment and happiness filling my entire body, all the way to my core. It makes me feel warm, as if I'm sitting outside on a warm summer day; the sun warming my pale skin. As soon as my head touches the pillow, I'm out like a light switch.

Guess who my dreams are about.


So yeah, I know. A really short upload for the time it took me to get it up. And it's only a filler chapter. But I've been TERRIBLY busy! I still have softball, but my finals and stuff are done, and soccer is done.

I love Adam Lambert :). And this is a nice, romantic song to go along with the chapter.

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