The Watcher

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A/N: Trigger Warnings: More Virgil having trouble with regular breathing, some slight self-dislike, mentions of dead whales in the fourth paragraph (not graphic).

Thomas didn't see his sides again that weekend, but he did take a break from Netflix in order to watch the new David Attenborough Documentaries on the Oceans - just to make sure that Anxiety didn't get too much of a lecture from Logan about "productivity".

Truthfully, he was thankful for the break. He had been feeling very drained recently, something he was sure that Anxiety had noticed, and he appreciated him pushing for rest over interaction. Though his methods sometimes were just as exhausting...

Being grateful? Thomas frowned. He would have to keep an eye on that habit.


Virgil had never been a great sleeper. If he was even slightly concerned about something, well, let's just say that being horizontal was not conducive to adequately working lungs. He supposed it was something to do with gravity? Like when whales that wash up onshore are at risk of being crushed by their own weight...

He decided to think about ask Logan...or preferably Google...before he got too anxious about the possibilities of whale strandings... 

He felt a familiar stab of guilt as his mind switched back to Friday. Would it really have been so bad to let that one pass?

Virgil squeezed his eyes shut, trying to cut the tracks off before the train went to a place he didn't want it to. Thomas was an adult...he makes his own decisions...

Yeah. That argument wasn't going to fly tonight. Virgil gasped as he realized he had forgotten to breath.

He started to consciously control his irregular breathing...

In for seven...

Was there a way to sleep vertically?

Hold for five...

He supposed he could hang upside down from the roof if he installed an exercise bar up there?

Out for Eight...

The others probably already thought he was a vampire, ever sucking Thomas' happiness and reveling in the dark as he did...

"you don't suck happiness virgil"

Virgil frowned at the voice, instantly on guard. Since when were the voices in his head so positive?

"i'm telling the truth. you don't suck happiness"

Virgil's breathing started to relax a little. He could get used to this...

"i do."

Suddenly, instead of panicking at the clear change of tone, Virgil slumped into sleep, breathing perfectly.


" you see Thomas, the graph shows that Anxieties successful suggestions are more than 60% between the ranks of 1 and 3...which in that quantity is simply too high for the ordinary person to have to deal with."

Patton shifted awkwardly in his usual spot in Thomas' living room. He hated going to Thomas first, before talking to Anxiety. It wasn't right...but it was the only plan that had seemed reasonable. 

Thomas, for his part, tried to not look too upset or scared. 

"Surely, he must have his reasons."

"It's not malicious!" Patton piped up quickly.

"...we think."


"Do you think I to him?"

Logan hesitated, "It's a delicate situation."

"We don't want to risk setting him off." Roman advised cautiously. 

Patton shook his head sadly, but stayed silent.


Virgil opened his eyes slowly, blinking away the image of Patton looking sad but resolutely silent. The familiar living room setting melted away as his own dark room came into focus.

Virgil sat up, and noticed that his bed and clothes were soaked with sweat.

The boy shivered.

That was...odd.

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