A Little Bit of Logic

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A/N: TW: Virgil is having a panic attack throughout this chapter, but other than dry-retching and sweating I don't go into much detail.

"Pump those breaks Roman!" Logan took charge, striding purposefully into the midst of the chaos, putting himself squarely between the new side and Virgil (and also between Roman and the new side). Patton just gaped, looking like the metaphorical rug had been ripped out from underneath him.

Logan didn't take his eyes off the new figure, who was frozen in a mix of shock and fear in the corner of the room. Logan's confident expression only broke when he winced as he heard Virgil painfully dry-retching behind him.

"Logan, what - " Roman sounded beside himself and bewildered, but Logan cut him off.

"Patton, please tend to Virgil, he appears to be having a severe panic attack. Make sure he's okay."

Patton swallowed and nodded, glad to be doing something he was familiar with.

"Roman, you come with me. We will relocate to the kitchen with our guest - "

"No-NO" Virgil coughed and spluttered. Patton was now soothing him and rubbing his back.

"Don't worry Verge, we're not going to hurt him." Logan's voice softened. "We just need to know what he represents - "

"Truth! He's truth, he's -" Virgil's voice disappeared behind another bout of dry-retching.

Logan frowned and shared a look with Roman, before turning to the new side.

His hair was almost totally obscured under a light green beanie. He wore a simple outfit of blue jeans, a green t-shirt, and a large grey coat. The look was tied off with a dark blue scarf that was twisted into a simple knot on his front.

Logan sighed, and frowned in contemplation.

"Are you hungry, er, Truth?"

Roman looked at Logan in surprise, as did Truth, who nodded meekly.

"Roman, please grab some toast or something light from the kitchen..."

"But - "

"Now please."

Roman looked to Patton, who only had eyes for the now shivering Virgil. Patton only slightly shrugged and shook his head in response to Roman's unasked question. The Prince got down from the couch, and reluctantly obeyed Logan's request, leaving the room without another word but with his hand firmly on the hilt of his sword.

"Take a seat." Logan gestured to Patton's vacant armchair. As Truth sat, Logan chanced a glance at the two figures huddled behind him on the floor. Virgil had finally stopped his awful retching, and Patton was quietly helping Virgil stabilize his breathing and calm down, rubbing circles on his back and talking softly to him. Virgil was crying - out of effort and exhaustion and panic and Logan felt his heart clench. He knew - from his research - that panic attacks took a lot of energy out of someone, but he'd never see Virgil cry before.

"It's okay Virgil, they all just got a fright, that's all."

Logan's head whipped around to Truth, who had finally spoken. He had sat down and clasped his hands together before him. Truth was looking with great concern, and a little guilt to Virgil. Patton subconsciously pulled Virgil a little closer.

Virgil nodded slowly and sniffed. Realization dawned on Logan.

Since Patton had not heard the new side forming (judging how he seemed just as surprised, and he had told them every other time a side had formed), Virgil must have been the one Truth had been able to connect with.

'That's an interesting development...' Logan made a mental note to table pondering the implications of that for a later date.

Roman came back into the living room with a plate of toast, looking sheepish, his sword at home and secure in his scabbard.

"Here," he said gently, handing Truth the food, who accepted it gratefully. "I must apologize for threatening you earlier. Patton had not mentioned another side was forming - "

"Virgil heard him, not Patton." Logan said quietly, giving Roman a look that plainly said we don't have time for that right now.

"Right...nevermind. I see that a new door has appeared in the hallway, that's evidence enough for me." Roman swayed slightly, and Logan looked at him hard.

"That's quite enough excitement for one night, I think." Logan decided, after a moment. "I want everyone in bed in five minutes, okay?" To his surprise, no one argued. Roman collapsed down onto the couch. Patton, having finally stabilized Virgil, went to get both patients some more water. Patton looked a little shaken, and Logan made another note to check in with him in the morning. Truth hesitated, obviously unsure of what he was being asked to do. He took another bite of his toast to stall for clearer directions.

Truth couldn't blame Virgil for not getting around to letting the others know about him, and it didn't exactly matter now anyway. Tristan tried not to feel too guilty for the stress he had inadvertently added on an already tenuous day, not to mention what his sudden appearance had done to Virgil. He looked almost green from exhaustion and he was still sweating profusely.

"I can't imagine you're very tired, Truth." Logan said after a moment, a dim memory of his own formation glancing across his mind.

"Please, call me Tristan." Tristan put his plate down on the coffee table, now holding only crumbs. "And no, to be frank. I would rather aid you in tending to Virgil and Roman - I assume that's the role you've assigned yourself since Patton looks ready to drop himself?" He had an odd way of speaking, almost as if he was stretching his mouth a little too much - getting used to a corporal form would be quite the ride.

"I would appreciate your help." Logan admitted, impressed with the reasoning used in Tristan's statement and giving him a small smile.

"Look at them." Patton whispered fondly. Logan jumped slightly, not having noticed he had re-entered the room.

Both of the patients were sound asleep.

"We've got the next shift, okay?" Logan said firmly. Patton gave a grateful smile and nodded as he left, thankfully not having enough energy to put up a fuss.

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